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  1. Gemstone

    IPT exam paper

    I was wondering how exactly the IPT exam is structured. I know there is multiple choice and short answer but I was wondering what part of the course is which. I know we have 2 core units and 2 options so is it divided into 4 sections like most other subjects or is it something different. Gemma
  2. Gemstone

    Major work?

    Well there's not really a major work as such. I think you might have a big project (over about a term and a half) that's marked internally, but it's not as big as the PIP or the SDD major work. It's more like the ISP for religion studies, but a littlle bit more. For me it's multimedia. Gemma
  3. Gemstone


    Yeah we've done all of it except journey over land and sea. Blood on the Track is pretty messed up. You still have to do it though. We spent about 15 minutes on it in class and left it. Gemma
  4. Gemstone

    Journey - Hsc

    Yeah I thought this too. I mean all we get of BOS is the speciman paper and we don't get that for a while yet. I reckon it will be kindda hard does anyone know anywhere (free) where we can get some parctice essay questions. I would prefer to not pay for a book seeing as I only really want the...
  5. Gemstone

    Class of 04

    Yeah I do contiuniers. I do okay. I'm at the bottom of the class but there are only 5 of us and only two of us don't do extention. All the marks are pretty close though me and the other guy who isn't in extention are pretty close. It's like a mark or 2 so I don't think it will matter much in...
  6. Gemstone

    Forgetting something?

    Hmm this thread sounds good I use my dictionary so much and i'm trying to not use it unless I really have to. I have a big problem remembering all the counting systems. I'm so bad at it. Anyway yeah thanks for posting that days chart it helps. So anyway us '04 kids should start posting the...
  7. Gemstone

    Anyone doing INNER journeys?

    Yeah my main text for inner journey's is Cosi. There is a thread above this post somewhere that has a list of supp texts for inner journey's Gemma
  8. Gemstone


    Lol Dee_ejay yeah it is pretty messed up. Journey to the Interior is another good text for inner journey's. You can make some sense of the book cover though. I think the worsed one is blood on the tracks. I mean 1 it's not edited and 2 it's just dribble it's so stupid. At least the change...
  9. Gemstone

    just out of curiosity ..

    Yeah well I do standard and I do okay in Legal there's a few in the class who do standard. I don 't think it really matters I mean there's such a pattern to legal essays it's not all that difficult to get your content. The only thing that you might have trouble with is making it fit into a...
  10. Gemstone

    Textbook Questions

    Yeah I've got the Heinman one. It's pretty good. There's a new legal text book coming out that my teacher helped write and we used a bit of that in preliminary but the HSC one isn't out yet. That one was better. Heinman can be a little confusing but if you use it with the excel book it should...
  11. Gemstone


    **DeEjAY_EjAy** yeah I guess there are a heap of extra texts for inner journeys (that's my AOS), and probably physical as well. The only problem with it the stimmulus booklet doesn't really help much for inner journey's I mean we only really have 2 texts to use and there not all that good. I...
  12. Gemstone

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Another one i am the cheese - (if you studied it in year 11) The inner journey of the protaganist and how he reveals his life story over the book. The Truman Show - (you probably study it this year for image.) You can use it for the inner journey of trueman and how he learns about what is...
  13. Gemstone


    Yeah I know we we're doing it at the same time as you. I thought everyone was doing it last year for preliminary. I didn't realise that you could do other stuff. Everyone arround here did it so I just assumed. Anyway I reckon it was better that way because you got all the notes from year 12...
  14. Gemstone

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Um another point there are a heap of movies listed in that 'Blood on the Tracks' text in the journey's booklet I can't remember them all but there are about 6 or 7. Gemma
  15. Gemstone

    Journey to the Interior

    Thanks for the help. You'ce got some different interpretations of some of the lines to me although I don't think either interpretation is wrong. Anyway I thought "a sentence crossing my path" could represent the repetitiveness of daily life and how there is very little change in routine. I...
  16. Gemstone

    Supp Texts - Inner

    Um okay I have a few on my list for inner journey's texts, Movies American Beauty - The last few scenes where the guy (sorry can't remember his name) is reflecting on what has happened as he dies. LotR - there's heaps of sences in this Frodo and what happens to the ring. Aragon's choice...
  17. Gemstone

    Journey to the Interior

    Hi everyone, We've been looking at this poem (journey to the interior) in class for the last couple of days and I just can't get my head arround it. I know it's supposed to be about depression or something and I can sort of see that but I don't really understand the poem. Oh yeah and...
  18. Gemstone


    Um we did change for the preliminary course. Well at least I think everybody did. So we've actually already done change, and I think journey's is worse. Gemma