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    Problem: Topic 3: Dot point 3-4

    - analyse information to evaluate the reliability of the results of the above (sulfate content in lawn ferilisers) investigation and to propose solutions to problems encoutered in the procedure cant find any books that have this
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    Test for Cations

    just add potassiumferricynaide in an acidic soln and it turns a deep deep prussian blue almost immediately
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    Fully Sic Bro, CAR WORLD

    nitto is pretty fun but it was real buggy when i played it so i couldnt be bothered i played midnite challenge for awhile ( and i maxed out my networth/driver level after awhile before they asked me to pay to play more.....
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    freedom of choice in subjects a good thing?

    not only do the subjects make yr 11 and especially 12 the best school year of your life, the teachers give you a whole lot more respect
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    Study Hours

    why are people so caught up on how many HOURS they do studyin, personally i rather have a good solid 5 minutes of studying as opposed to 2 hours of studying just to say.."i studied X amount of hours last night" it seriously doesnt matter how many hours you study, as long you understand what you...
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    How's your Teacher?

    my eng teacher is absolutely awesome....she spends so much of her time to help us and phys teacher keeps on tellin me to 'not waste my talent' as i keep muckin about in class
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    4 unit maths

    depends on how everyone does and how they do in all their subs, this is for the hsc like i said before, my 77% raw in half yearly got me 93% in my half yearly report the scaled average was 87 i think
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    i relate stuff to real life, even though recalling the thing is prolli as long, or harder than the actual thing itself i find it much easier
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    why why why????

    yeh, especially with a science, you got to understand what you are learning the easiest thing is to memorise stuff, the hard part is to apply it to what the question is asking esp for the band 6 questions such as analyse and stuff like that
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    need answer ASAP before monday..

    lol ohmic conductor guess they wernt kidding when they said they couldve tested yr 11 stuff
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    im gonna get hungry during that time
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    been to the syd enrichment day?

    i went to this usyd thing but all we did was pracs and stuff, and they showed us the AAS machine and this infra red machine thing besides that it was crap....just like school pracs.. 2 titrations (conc of ca ions and conc of cl ions) some barium precipitate prac and another one i forgot (see...
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    am i in deep shit?

    if you 3 chem studnets do real well in the hsc, your moderated assessment mark will be pretty high as well (i think) and u get ur moderated assessment mark in accordance to ur rank
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    well...there seems to be a few out there..but a question involved this in my half year and i said it used to bacteria alcaligenes..i got full marks for the question but a couple disclaimers a) ive never heard of alcaligenes b) i cant find info on it either the only way i got it was word of...
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    School Motto

    Baulkham Hills HS motto: Persevere
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    hsc mark moderation question

    you mark for english will count towards uai no matter what
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    titration comp?

    ok i found out the results of baulkham hills high today, they comepted at richmond campus of UWS, we came 1st, 2nd, 4th and 15th
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    yeh i failed my first go at p's for the exact same reason, didnt see the school zone sign ahhhh well.... im currently very happy riding in my is200
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    titration comp?

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    quanta to quarks

    ooh very nice..thanks guys