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  1. ur_inner_child

    the girl. advice now

    or she's lying.
  2. ur_inner_child

    the girl. advice now

    i think it's weird she says that she'd love to hang out with you but she's gotta bring her boyfriend. :/
  3. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    A quote came to me (not a very related source, but it does the trick) "If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded but that you first make...
  4. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    but you can apply this logic to atheists/agnostics He knew they were going to reject all religious institutions because of their education, upbringing, events in their lives, possibly country etc, yet he let them exist only to punish them. He created an atheist, let the atheist wander around...
  5. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    Well he's very fair then is he? The baby who was born in a christian family/country/upbringing has a greater chance of being rewarded for his faith than the baby who was born in a hindu family/country/upbringing? We seem to therefore have unequal chances of getting into heaven. (this part...
  6. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    No you don't understand, you seem to understand a few things, and not the important point I'm trying to stress, maybe I'm being unclear here. A hindu believer came to existence. God let this happen, as he gave him life. But he knew (via the fact that this hindu person grew up in a hindu...
  7. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    I'm about to have a brain explosion. Please am I just insane? Try to follow me here. Just try The following I will assume to be true: and and therefore before I even made the choice of atheism and emphasising that before I was even BORN God knew I will be doomed to go to hell Therefore...
  8. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    Christ you just reiterated the problem, can't you see that?!?! Can't you see that contradicts with THINK ABOUT IT I don't understand how you cannot see the contradiction! The injustice of a FATED DOOM and therefore NO CHOICE.
  9. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    Yes I have come to that conclusion. It seems that despite knowing we were going to be atheists all along, he wanted us to keep the believers some company, and then rot in hell later. I mean, if that was the case, I would've appreciated God to give me the mercy of not existing at all, if that...
  10. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    how do you differentiate with what was God's will and what wasn't? I mean, I just got preached at by *TRUE* a moment ago how it was MY choice to act on certain things, yet there are events that are of God's will? If you think about it, a lot of events are caused by someone's "choice". Hello...
  11. ur_inner_child

    What Exactly Do Girls Look For In Guys?

    personally i don't think it's that hard. basically you can boil down that list into: *educated *cultured somehow *musically open minded *good looking *comfortable with himself *socially aware
  12. ur_inner_child

    What Exactly Do Girls Look For In Guys?

    I did say dream guy.
  13. ur_inner_child

    What Exactly Do Girls Look For In Guys?

    Generally I look for guys who understand that people are much more complicated than "bad guys" or "soft cocks". Despite my hatred for these threads, I'm just going to go ahead and write about my dream guy: *older and taller than me *is unmistakeably masculine *impressive jawline *fit, engages...
  14. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    we make our own meaning and our own purpose and that is absolutely liberating to me. EDIT: To me, I can't help but be slightly offended by religious people who feel as though atheists walk around like empty shells, indulge in mindless excess or engage with others around them without any...
  15. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    I don't think you understand. He knows what we will decide. So why let us come to exist? Bring it to a personal level. Under my circumstances, I think it was quite fair of me to lose faith in God a few years ago. Much happened in my life and I abandoned the faith. God would've known about...
  16. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    If God truly knows all, He would've known from birth that certain people will live a life without believing in Him. He ultimately dooms these people to hell, despite the fact that he knew all along that they were going to be non-believers (or believers in other religions). Why does he let...
  17. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    I like some of your questions.
  18. ur_inner_child

    Should virginity be regarded as a virtue in modern society?

    If anything, you would be very inexperienced in effectively dealing with complications/fights/disagreements etc, and therefore it's possible that your first real relationship could easily fall apart, despite the fact that you could have been better equipped (had you been more experienced) in...
  19. ur_inner_child

    Earthquake in China

    Honestly what the shit. I'm still not over it. Do you sit outside the hospital waiting for patients to be diagnosed with fatal diseases and go tell them it was God's will? Because this is pretty much what you're doing. You are absolutely sick.
  20. ur_inner_child

    Earthquake in China

    No I will not have a God thread about whether or not he wanted many people to die, or whatever the damn hell you guys are talking about. You are ridiculous. Take a look at yourself you crazy fundamentalist nut, actually no, take a look outside because you are painfully sheltered. How fucking...