yerh the house d ghost visits me all the time when im outside late at night (as i live in house c), she has a sad story to tell about something, utter bullshit
as long as you make the effort in chem 1a and 1b you should be fine, but make the effort or youll be in trouble as there are a fair fem chem related subjects
its the student union who offers theses so in second semester to be a member of a club you will also need to be a member of the studemt union.
taken from (student union)
Bachelor of Business (BOB)
Bahai Society
csu have a new section of their website called student it life, alledgely it has answer to stuff, anyway heres the url:
its funny when they come to wagga csu for the first time, for many of them its the first time they have left sydney... meanwhile i love the M7 so quick to get to the hume now... and also its christmas, im getting a frypan yahhhh...