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  1. N

    What's a friend?

    A friend is someone with whom you can comfortably and honestly speak to about most things, and where you pretty much appreciate each other's company, offer support when things are low and talk at least weekly. Having said that, I have no real friends in this country. Acquantainces to me are...
  2. N

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    Sorry, I meant distinction. :shy: *edits* (The failures have made me paranoid).
  3. N

    Predictions and Results (Semester 1 2009)

    50% distinctions (late 70s), 50% fail. If I get a letter from the Uni asking me to explain myself, I'll just point to the distinctions? I couldn't go on the day of the exams because my brace wire popped out of my mouth and I looked like a fucking lawnmower. I got a medical certificate but for...
  4. N

    Swine Virus

    The swine flu numbers don't really represent the people who've had swine flu. It only represents the hypochondriacs that have gone to the doctor to get tested if they have swine flu. I know that if I ever have flu-like symptoms, I'd never go to a doctor, and instead just wait until the symptoms...
  5. N

    Arbeit macht frei?

    Arbeit mach frei is ironic, because one must slug it out and slave away, usually in some overly repetitive not particularly appealing badly paying job in order to not only avoid poverty and buy the necessities like food, but it also grants us the ability to indulge in luxuries, such as...
  6. N

    The Return to Fault-Based Divorce

    If a couple want a divorce, they should get one. There shouldn't be unnecessary red tape imposed by the government to try to prevent something that a couple want to get out of, especially if the person proposing such an idea is saying it due of his religious background that states that "divorce...
  7. N

    Should conscription be re-introduced in 21st Century Australia?

    I would have no problem being forced into the army if everyone else was. Perhaps I'd make new friends, get fitter, and get some more discipline and bragging rights. But seeing as I don't trust politicians in this country, I think if we did have conscription, they'd probably send the poor...
  8. N

    What do you hate about USyd

    All that construction work. It's just endless and all over the place at every hour and so on. The timetable unit thing. Got a tutorial at 5 PM, tried to change it around, it's replaced with a 9 AM one. Can't win! The difficulty in making friends. Or maybe that's just my problem. I have no...
  9. N

    What happens If I fail 3 out of 4 subjects?

    Oh shit. I'm fucked. And it was an elective too. I should never have picked such a mindnumbingly boring course. Now I'm going to be shit scared about getting any letters from Uni. Raa, I hate being on any form of probation. :burn: Maybe if I'm super duper lucky and shut my eyes, I won't get...
  10. N

    What happens If I fail 3 out of 4 subjects?

    It says students will be reported as not fulfilling the requirements if they don't successfully complete more than 50% of the credit points they were enrolled in. Hm, my predicament is.. I went really well in 50% of my subjects (got high distinctions from essays, speeches, quizes, etc), but I...
  11. N

    Uai 70-89

    Hm, it's only a matter of time before you disappear from BOS, and people assume your father is now smashing the computer, or worse, chasing you with a hammer.. Hm.. Beware! :D
  12. N

    Hsc 2007 Results..not Happy?were You Treated Unfair? Read This And Sign My Petition!

    Re: Hsc 2007 Results..not Happy?were You Treated Unfair? Read This And Sign My Petiti Why do B subjects even exist? So silly. I got into my first preference at USYD, and the scaling didn't affect me too adversely, but it seems so silly to assume one subject is inferior, another is superior and...
  13. N

    Uai 70-89

    amulet888, haha, that's crazy. But honestly, maybe it's better you got 83 just so you could realise how silly your parents are. Parents should be way more supportive than that! And really, that's not a terrible mark at all. I think it's enough to get into Arts at USYD which could involve...
  14. N

    The Official Crap UAI Thread

    I feel a bit sorry for my good friend. She got in her mid 60s and wanted above 80. She's trying to decide what to do with her life now, but it's a bit difficult for her. I tried to tell her that University is not a prerequisite for life and many people go on and become just as successful in...
  15. N

    im gay

    Chances are that if your friends bag it out and are so negative about it, then they probably won't be too cool about it. If you're ready to risk their friendship, then tell them. If they react badly, then at least know deep down that they're not true friends if they can't accept you. If they...
  16. N

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Incorrect. *Only prime minister to have a Governor General stupid enough to fire him. ;)
  17. N

    Fraser was warned on Lebanese Muslims

    Who the hell said I was hiding behind political correctness? Is your definition of not living up to political correctness chasing people that look like Middle Easterners on the street (which include groups such as most Muslims, Mediteraneans, and even Jews!). I actually understand that there are...
  18. N

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Whitlam was definitely our greatest and most respectable leader. These are some of the policies he has done (taken from Wikipedia: Most of these are simply amazing and makes me wish we had a Prime Minister just like him with the same vision, passion...
  19. N

    Use of the word 'racism'

    But I think that's sort of an exagerated thing though. There are no actual ghettos in Sydney. Perhaps enclaves, but not ghettos! And I doubt they'll stay enclaves and isolated in the future. Marrickville was once an enclave for Greek immigrants and it was actually quite good for them as it...
  20. N

    Use of the word 'racism'

    How so? I've seen a few Asian girls with caucasian guys at Uni. Actually, I have a Vietnamese-Australian friend with a Portugese-Australian boyfriend. They're products of multiculturalism, so it can't be all that divisive.