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    2009 UMAT - How did it go?

    This is all I have to say: Section 2 was torture, section 1 and 3 I believe I aced (Not too over confident but I finished every question with time to review my answers). I also finished section 2 however I only had like a minute to check over the questions and I could see I stuffed up on a...
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    UMAT Today! LOL

    Guess what kids? :music::rofl::rofl::rofl: Report back here after the test. Tell us what you thought of the test (difficulty etc.) and don't forget to switch off your phone because if it goes off ffs (hopefully they'll take them off the applicants for the day) See you all there and btw I wish...
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    Ford F-650

    no way lool
  4. B

    Quick umat question

    :rofl: you poor thing, i feel your pain take a bunch of lead pencils... did you read the umat guide?
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    UMAT : Nervous? Excited? Tensed? Suicidal?

    you will need the sleep... i will crash in a couple of minutes thanks to codeine and red wine and wont awake until 4-5am... worst thing you could do is attempt the test while tired...
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    UMAT : Nervous? Excited? Tensed? Suicidal?

    See you all there tomorrow. I'm going to shut down this comp and spend the rest of today studying for the test tomorrow. Probably crash out at around 3.00pm and wake up 4.00am Wednesday morning. Wish me luck friends. Kindest regards, Bacilli
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    has this site been slow lately?

    prefer to spend the premium money on drugs, parties and alcohol instead of maintaining the site for gods sake, you've had this blue poison layout for nearly 10 years
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    Working as a spy good career?

    evidence our government is racist...i lov it i bet that all superiors in asis are white
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    Working as a spy good career?

    Go to ASIS what's wrong with the image on the homepage?
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    Question to all gay people out there

    You sure you're not confusing sex appeal with charisma? Those two are very difficult to separate and when an individual has both, well, good luck.
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    Why do gay males acts really girly?

    production of testosterone decreases when exposed to too much sausage...
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    UMAT : Nervous? Excited? Tensed? Suicidal?

    Not really, because they seem like a bunch of incompetent idiots who don't know what they're doing (I'm referring to Scrubs). Personally, I'd prefer a Dr like HOUSE; he's arrogant, obnoxious, has little pity, but knows what he's doing. Alternatively, Addison Montgomery (Not sure on spelling)...
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    Anyone running IQ2 with Bigpond cable?

    As title says, curious to know if anyone here is running Foxtel IQ2 with Bigpond cable. I'm wondering if internet speed will be affected if a splitter is installed to supply the home with both Foxtel and cable internet?
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    USB help!!

    good work
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    Downloading Songs

    Frostwire but same engine as Limewire (slow if your computer is shit). Torrent if unavailable on wire. Another way, visit, listen to the song you want and take it from your temp files once the entire song has loaded
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    Asian Hair

    I don't have anything against Asians. They don't cause trouble do they? You don't hear about Asians bashing life savers, or Asians wanting to build an Islamic school. They just go about their life harming no one.
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    homebake 09

    :jedi: lolller