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  1. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Arteries are involved in moving blood away from the heart under high pressures. Thus have arteries have thick muscular walls to withstand these high pressures. These do not pump blood or do not contain valves. Veins are invloved in moving blood towards the heart under loww pressures. Thus veins...
  2. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Darwin and Wallace theory of evolution by natural selection and isolation applies to both converging and diverging organisms. Natural selection in both cases provides genitc variation in a population selecting those with favoured characteristics to proliferate. Divergent evolution is the...
  3. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Transitional fossils forms are the missing link between ancestral and descendent groups showing characteristics of both ancestral and descendt groups. An example is the Arcaheopteryx which shows both reptilian features (claws and long jointed tail) and bird like featurees (feathers, wings and...
  4. P

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Question: Describe the procedure used to measure the sulphate content of a particular lawn fertilliser and the chemistry involved
  5. P

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Answer: Explain how refluxing of the esterification process works and why an acid is used Esterification involves the a condensation reaction between an alkanoic acid and alkanol producing an ester and a water molecule. This is a relatively slow process and is often carried out at temps close...
  6. P

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Answer: Describe and assess the effectiveness of methods used to purify and sanitise mass water supplies There are a number of steps involved in the purification and sanitisation of mass water supplies. Some of the steps involved are: -Screening. This involves mass water supplies being passed...
  7. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Lymph is a fluid that drains from intercelluar spaces into the lymph vessels. Lymph flows through the lymph vessels and rejoins the blood at the heart. At various stages along the lymph vessles there are lymph nodes which filter out pathogens and other foreign particles. Also the lymph nodes...
  8. P

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Cobalt-60 is involved in industrial radiography to inspect metal parts and welds for defects such as hairline cracks, metal fatigue and poor welds. Some of the benefits of cobalt-60 in industrial radiography is that is highly penatritive gamma ray emmitter which allows metal objects such as...
  9. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Eucaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles and nucleus such as protozoans. Procaryotic cells have no membrane bound organelles or nucleus such as bacteria. Question: Identify how current reproductive technologies have the potential to alter the genetic compostion of a population.
  10. P

    MacFarlane Burnet etc

    Well u dont need to know much about him just really that he contributed to our understanding of diseases through vaccinations and the understanding of the B and T cell responses to antigens. Can anyone post up a general paragraph describing the importance of MacFarlane Burnett to our...
  11. P

    karyotype analysis

    Karyotype analysis examines the number, shape, length and banding patterns of chromosones in organisms. A karyotype is the visual appearnce of chromosones. This invloves photogrpahs of cells during meiosis beign taken and chromosones being cut out ansd sought out into homologous paris form...
  12. P

    help please hominid or hominin... dot point 1.1.4

    Classification systems have been devised by humans to help sought out the millions of organisms found on earth. In the past, the term hominid referred to Homo sapiens and their close ancestors only. However recent molecular evidence has shown that the african apes such as chimps and gorillas...
  13. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    The B cells are the bodys 3rd line of defence which are produced and matured in the bone marrow. In the prescence of an antigen, the B cells are stimulated to produce memory B cells and plasma cells. The plasma cells secrete one type of antibody that is specific to the antigen that trigered the...
  14. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Macrophages are involved in Phagocytosis and cell death to seal off a pathogen. Phagocytosis is the process by which some white blood cells(i.e Macrophages and neutrophils) actively move from blood into tissues were they engulf and destroy any foreign particles such as pathogens by secreting...
  15. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    In 1902, Boveri and Sutton showed the importance of chromosones. Boveri worked with sea urchins and showed that not all chromosones are identical and a definite number of chromosones is required for normal growth and deveolpment of organism. Sutton worked with Grasshopper testes and showed...
  16. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    The Xylem vessels are involved in moving water and inorganic minerals ions from root to leaves. The xylem consist of long hollow vessels extending from root to leaves thickneded with lignin and are dead. The current theory for the ascent of xylem sap in plants is the CAT Mechanism...
  17. P

    Lysosomes and Lysozymes

    Dont worry which term u use because both are the same its just different spelling. Its not english here so dnt worry how ya spell K
  18. P

    Stopsign's Chemistry Marathon (2006)

    Atomic Absorbtion spectroscopy (AAs) is used to detect minute concentrations of metal cations ions in solutions. This involves the use of an atomic aborbtrion spectrophotometer composed of the metal to be anaylesd which produces wavelengths of light unique to that metal. A sample of solution is...
  19. P

    Biology Marathon 2006

    The processes of diffusiion and osmosis are inadequate in removing dissolved nitrogenous wastes becuase they are both examples of passive transport which rely on the random movement of molecules. Diffusion is too slow for the normal functioning of the body and is non selective of useful solutes...
  20. P

    Q10 (b) (folded paper) what mark do you think you got for this Q

    I think i got 33 root 2 or 32 root 3 which is da same but i think u should have left it exact as all other values in the question were exact so