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  1. lourai*87

    Section 1: Multiple choice

    1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d 5 b 6 a 7 d 8 d (had no idea) 9 b 10 d (some people are saying phased? It was a toss up, but its pilot isnt it??) 11 c (again no idea) 12 c 13 d ( has to be this. C doesnt work. It says "most appropriate...within" 14 a 15 b 16 d 17 c...
  2. lourai*87

    You call that an Exam?

    I was stressin'. I rang the advice line twice last night with all my stress. And talking to that teacher on the phone made me realise how shit my teacher has been all year. He couldnt advise on anything if his life depended on it. Thank you BOS. Yes i came out of that exam thinking that...
  3. lourai*87

    Q1: Solutions

    dammit for putting things round the wrong way. Solutions were rather unrealisitc..however i couldnt have been bothered trying to fix it...ran out of time as it was. That'll teach me for not remembering formulae, hell that'll teach me for not dropping 3unit
  4. lourai*87

    3 Speeches Wtffffff

    Merci beaucoup =p All the best with the rest of them hey..sure you'll manage quite alright :rolleyes:
  5. lourai*87

    3 Speeches Wtffffff

    Its parody. Anyhow...i think you're too intelligent for your own good (take that as a compliment if you will). I insulted you once -> You act at times like a pessimist and at others like an arrogant nose-in-the-air arse(ass)-hole. It is for this reason that people don't like you. I somehow...
  6. lourai*87

    3 Speeches Wtffffff

    The 2 that i had been working with were King and McAleese. The night before i went over the main ones i thought might be a possibility of being specified ie Pearson, Keating. And i read my summary notes from somewhere on each speech. All in all taking my chances and hoping for kindness...
  7. lourai*87

    The Difference of Two Cubes

    I had issues with that to start. All good in the end though. Youll find there was something similar Q4b "a function f(x) is defined by f(x) = (x + 3)(x^2 - 9)". So that let me go back and double check. How did we work out the focus? I know a = 2 and focus = (0,a) but the (y - 1) changes...
  8. lourai*87

    what really pissed me off about this exam

    that it existed.... I did almost 3 straight weeks of this...4-5 hours a day for 2 weeks. I think i did about 10 past papers and averaged 70-80% in ALL of them. Then, this paper is like 10 times as hard as any of those i did. Bastards. At least it should scale better.
  9. lourai*87

    How did everyone go? (Poll)

    hmm...well say its option (above 60) -- only becuase i suck more at art. I was doing pretty good til i realised i was taking to much by the end i was reading quickly, then just couldnt be bothered. Ohh looking forward to 3unit
  10. lourai*87


    bugger!!! I mutiplied by 3 for d) iii BUGGER!! I was so thinking i got a good many questions out only to realise i screwed ip - for example Q7..stupit stupid mistake. Anne's was an arithmatic series, Kay's was geometric. I did both arithmatic. *kicks self (repeatedly)*
  11. lourai*87

    Module C - Powerplay

    Omg!!! theres hope!! I did 1984, but yeah i was confused as to whether it was the composer's "selection" of events etc or whether it was the character's selection of acts to convey their power. I went with both. There is only so much thinking one can do when producing 10 paces in 20...
  12. lourai*87

    Question 1

    I didnt mind it too much actually. The texts were shite, i give it that. I would have rathered a poem, visual and text...poems are easier with the techniques and conveyance of message imo. I wrote heaps for section one. Yeah i said the daunting task was because it was unknown and...
  13. lourai*87

    Good French phrases for writing?

    N'inquiétes est pessimiste
  14. lourai*87

    The Mole - Grant or Tom??

    The old host? Is that Grant? Then Grant was way way better than this dude.
  15. lourai*87

    Girls and Guys as friends...

    This is an interesting thought :s I think, the guy friends that i have had have ended up liking me after a while - and then that just makes me become distant so i dont give them the wrong idea. Some guy friends i have fallen for - but would rather keep the friendship than go further. Re...
  16. lourai*87

    Hooking up

    But then..can "got with not be interpreted in the same way lol
  17. lourai*87

    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    Lol now you have to tell me which person you were :D Ooh im sure you were fine hey...extention french!! My goodness, i was so so stressed. The examiner was so nice though hey...she gave me a hug :p
  18. lourai*87

    Good French phrases for writing?

    Context? I have a whole sheet on that that i can dig up later i suppose. If youre say overseas and writing home to mum "Tu me manques beaucoup!" (I miss you lots). That could go at the end actually. Ill get back to you.
  19. lourai*87

    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    lileane youre questions sound somewhat like they did to me. Where did you do yours? And yes i would say en fait is like in fact.
  20. lourai*87

    Hooking up

    Bored and curious. To much confusion. Like "Yeah, hooked up with so and such..." "You had sex with" "nono just kissing!"