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  1. X

    Question 22 exam thoughts

    I noticed that too but i didn't talk about it as incase i was wrong.
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    Multiple Choice

    My thoughts on question 8. P2P did not breach the copyright laws or watever as P2P is legal. However, the aplication using the P2P network breached the copyright laws so its B. Could be wrong though.
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    Question 22 exam thoughts

    I did something similar. Put "Read cardslot" in line 12.5 after "cardinslot = true". Other wise if the person put a card in after "Read carslot" was executed, the loop would end without the card being read. Thats how i understood it not sure though...:confused: About the variable not being...
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    logical programming

    They actually said they used fuzzy logic in the vaccuum and had a long explanation on how it worked. Now i dont have any links to it so u may not believe me. But.... from: Thats one use. Now your gonna tell me the Palm Top or...
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    logical programming

    I know what you mean but i was just trying to show that there are HEAPS of things that use fuzzy logic. So did a quick search for an example. But you'll find better examples. Im of to bed now. :)
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    logical programming

    What if some does want to creat their own 4gl? Similar to physics, i probably find some topics useless (astrophysics!) but what if there are some who want to be astrophycist? About Plank, i admit it, it's a bad example. I was just trying to use it as an example since todays physics is Full of...
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    logical programming

    So now your saying you know more than the people who made the vacuum? Heres a washing machine that uses it: Idiot.
  8. X

    logical programming

    One thing of the top of my head is a vacume cleaner. Using its sensor, it detects the amount dust particles and using that information, and the amount in a given time. Based on that, it will try to determine what type of floor it is. Then according to the "knowledge" it gained, it will adjust...
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    Software Developer's View of Hardware

    I did the same too. During the holidays, instead of studying for exams i was LEARNING! :chainsaw: Edit: Any one wanna bet IEEE will be there tomorow? lol im 97% sure it will.
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    Software Developer's View of Hardware

    Can someone explain this to me "- specifying motor operations "? I havent studied that! :\
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    logical programming

    Well as far as i know, "Fuzzy Logic" has been used in many appliances and devices to make "decisisions". Most of these you will probably see as useless but there is research going on in these fields for AI and stuff. It's like physics teaching crap about what plank did and why wats his name...
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    My Binary Search Algo-ma-rithm

    As far as i know, every programming language does this, and its obvious. Even heinman textbook assumes its truncated automatically. Foswebs "midVal = Int((upVal + lowVal) / 2)" also does the samething, its assumed that it will be truncated since its an integer.
  13. X

    Spyware Problems..

    Theres a virus that stops u going to main search engines. Try virus scan.
  14. X

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Ok, i thought there was a for loop in pseudocode. I just gona learn the basics over i guess. edit: SamD thats what my teacher is saying, if they understand the syntax and logic is correct then u wont loose marks. The syntax however must be similar to psedocode if im gonna use it. But yeh ill...
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    Algorithm for marking :)

    Its corret but u still have to display the fair information as stated in the question. ie display price of return tickets, single tickets etc.... edit: woops samd answered it.
  16. X

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Yeh but if a mark knows psedoucode then he/she will obviously know what select case .... End select means. They are really similar. Im not saying going full on hardcode "private sub this that" lol. Well these where my teachers words and shit now im scared! Better start learning. :(
  17. X

    Ok, just need to clarify something on pseducode.

    Our teacher says that it doesnt really matter if we use VB syntax such as "select case ...... "end Select". Now there are people saying that any sign of a language will loose marks? :eek:
  18. X

    My Binary Search Algo-ma-rithm

    In my previous algorithm, when i said FOR (index < = topvalue), the topValue was decrementing anyway (ie topvalue = middlevalue - 1 etc...). So it still wouldn't have gone through all the 500 elements.
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    My Binary Search Algo-ma-rithm

    Error 1: Thats solved by it self since it will truncate it to 4. So if its "4.5" it would take "4". Error 2: I cant find a way so that it would go through 500 elemnts in the array but i sort of see what u mean. If the value is not found it would have to go through all the 1000. Anyway i've...
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    logical programming

    I dont really know, i dont do that option topic but yeh thats what i thought.