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  1. frodo

    possible questions on weimar 1918-1933

    what were the reasons for the collapse of the Weimar Republic?
  2. frodo

    Average Joe

    nah its just a spinoff from the traditional idea meant to satisfy the bored viewers.
  3. frodo

    School Formal

    theres a huge thread on this if you look hard enough
  4. frodo

    What's with the Bands?

    yeah i reckon if people deserve the mark then they should get them. bell curves are unfair but i guess in some cases they are necessary
  5. frodo

    list of crime fiction elements?

    one of the texts given to us by the teacher was HRF keating's "Writing Crime Fiction". it's pretty good
  6. frodo

    micrometres and millimetres

    1000 micrometres in a millimetre basically u times the millimetre by one thousand to get micrometres and vice versa red blood cells are 4 micrometres and white blood cells are 6 micrometres
  7. frodo


    noone can beat the mullet and his pocket knife. i always got freaked out by the guy that didnt die
  8. frodo

    japanese study

    i think she just means E3?
  9. frodo

    dot point - 1.3.1

    we used two colours of m and ms and then picked them randomly for a couple of goes. another prac was to chuck green and red objects into grass and then go and pick them up randomly for a certain time limit. this shows that the red ones will get picked more because they are more conspicous ie...
  10. frodo

    Class of 04

    no worries, we all have sad stories from times in japan
  11. frodo

    Class of 04

    oww itai
  12. frodo

    the passion by mel gibson

    whats the book called and who's the writer?
  13. frodo

    the passion by mel gibson

    i hope that they showed jesus' resurection as well or else that would make the film pointless. i think his death is important but what happened after is even more important cos everyone knows people die cos its normal but who do we know rises from the dead?
  14. frodo

    Average Joe

    yep i reckon melana is in the fat suit and zach will probably screw his chances by bagging her out in private cos he doesnt know who she is. i think she'll pick between jason and adam, well she should anyways...
  15. frodo

    The Big Sleep

    i don't think it is actually completely film noir because of the romantic relationship between Vivian and Marlowe. my english teacher said because of this it also comes under the lighter form of film noir which is film gris. meh genre is annoying but interesting because everything has...
  16. frodo

    Popstars LIVE

    two of my friends were on the show :D yay
  17. frodo

    Open High School

    hehehe how was the face to face anyways? and who is your teacher?
  18. frodo

    dot point 1.3.3

    there is new evidence that the numbers counted by scientists were doctored to support their hypotheses or something like that
  19. frodo

    japanese study

    mirai is nice and fun although ive never really used the wakatta textbook. if you guys have any questions just ask
  20. frodo

    addison's disease

    bad points for HRT is that it has to be taken for the rest of your life but then it means that you can live