Search results

  1. frodo

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    how much are limos and what companies are recommended?
  2. frodo

    dot point 3.3.5

    yeh go timmy
  3. frodo

    Japanese Chat Rooms

  4. frodo


    we did bismarck and the unification last year. i can't really remember any thing that was particulary useful although the net is always good
  5. frodo

    Open High School

    it starts at 9 am i think although i have to go back to school afterwards Mod edit: Syntax error corrected
  6. frodo

    Field Hockey 2004

    anyone playing this year for Open Mens/ Grade Hockey? i'm playing for sutherland
  7. frodo

    Open High School

    meheheh:P so funny mate
  8. frodo

    Open High School

    come on, sombody else besides me has to be going?
  9. frodo

    Class of 04

    I went on a corporate scholarship with AFS for a year to Ijuin, Kagoshima
  10. frodo

    Class of 04

    yeah i went there for a year, fun fun
  11. frodo

    How Many Ppl In Yur Yr 12?

    we have 50? i think, maybe less
  12. frodo

    Forgetting something?

    i think i went to the control panel and looked in the help menu and theres a folder called languages and other stuff :D sorry i can't be more specific
  13. frodo

    Skull Beneath The Skin

    mehehehe just go ahead and freak everyone out:P
  14. frodo

    Making mp3 cds for an mp3/cd player

    could someone give me a link for nero?
  15. frodo

    Making mp3 cds for an mp3/cd player

    Hi Just need some help in making mp3 cds. which program is best to use? i've tried Easy CD Creator but i don't like the fact that i have no way to change the song order. also, is there any recommendations for a WAV/ CDA to MP3 ripping program? i've looked on but the ones...
  16. frodo

    Open High School

    yeah it's a presentation for those that got top bands in their language. i think it's for all languages but it could be just japanese. oh and yeah it's just for OHS as it's being put on by OHS
  17. frodo

    Open High School

    anyone from Japanese '03 going to the Morning Tea at OHS on February 25th ? i don't think i can go obviously because i still have school.
  18. frodo

    Radio Stations

    nova has got to have the best morning show cos noone can beat merrick and russo. i used to listen to triple m but then it got a bit crappy although i switch to em when there are ads
  19. frodo

    Class Of 04....

    hehehe i dont think people would have guessed my school if i hadnt told them or written it in my profile. meh i cant be bothered guessing cos it makes me look bad
  20. frodo

    Class Of 04....

    hmm im guessing that the Studies of Religion may also be a clue?