LOTR: ROTK (1 000 000 000 / 5)
HONEY (she's so hott) (4/5)
NEMO (funny as shit) (4/5)
LEAGUE OF ........ (i actually heard that was quite good)
thats all i can think of at the moment
yep made me do it and i got zero for it. i handed in the three parts that i had already done and did like half a page each for the other 3, and they took and i still got 0. My mum got her leg amputated, and mah auntie is bak at work now. but eryfins kool
wow you peeps are really into this aye? i agree and think they should put them to work out in the rural areas. and do something useful with their lives
The fitzgerald guy from the Elevenh Commandment. Dat book was da shit man. And ummm....hermione from harry potter the movie, she'll be real hot when she grows up and all the characters from The Escape Artist. Especially Jim coz he's just a bastard lol
Those two are hilarious, merely for the fact that they are just so madly ditzy, i guess thats what makes them hot to, but then they're just hot anyway ! ! !
I think that Steve dude is a great actor but i think it's amazing the lengths that these people go to to get the ratings. But still i think they chose the right guy for the job
wow you guys have to make the actual model all we had to do was draw it. lol. oh well we have model joints that are already made. do yous? coz if you do that assessment is the maddest waste of time
all three of my electives are performances. ffor the core composition we havent even bein asked to start it yet. or am i sposed to take the initiative and start it anyway?