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    Ziff people like you are the surface warriors. You only play games with the symbols of politics, not the workings, Now you are a legal studies student, what have you learnt about independance in our judiciary. The whole idea of consitutional monarchy is that we have sovereignty filtered through...
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    I know some people in ASIO who have worked in foreign offices. Dingo2004, if I say anything bad about you, will be politically incorrect? ASIO is not connected to the Universities, get a grip, there is seperation between the Government Departments, you think Unis would access ASIO...
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    Political Slant

    Hear Hear, seems like there is some intelligence.
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    Is there one? If so, when and where?
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    Political Slant

    Yep, I am no lefty that's for sure.
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    Textbook Questions

    I had the McMillan. Never answered any questions from it, they were way out of reach to actually understand them.
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    Political Parties on Campus

    Oh of course, my mistake. I was going by the intelligence in responses.
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    Political Parties on Campus

    that's right, you don't so."think" so.
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    Undergraduate handbook

    Yeah I am going online, I don't want to travel all the way to Campbelltown and Parramatta just for the handbook.
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    Political Parties on Campus

    I never said BOS, I have connections in law enforcement bodies, both Federal and State and in different areas and agencies.
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    yr 11 study hours

    Actually you are better off developing a study skill, I disagree where Ziff says no study is required, you still need to fulfill the Board of Studies' outcomes.
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    anyone looking for legal notes

    She did, that is a top mark.
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    Political Parties on Campus

    Don't make me use my connections to trace you.
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    Political Parties on Campus

    Mate you have discriminated against yourself.
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    The UWS Elite Clan

    Yeah same, I am doing law with the LPAB.
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    any private college students??

    Is that it? Come on, there has go to be someone from Bedford, William's and the like.
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    EAS and Cut Offs

    Mate in the politically correct world, you could legible for EAS if you said you were a fool.
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    The UWS Elite Clan

    Also does the cut off go up each year?
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    The UWS Elite Clan

    Hey Dingo, I didn't get 86, I am wondering, I have EAS, can I use that to get in?
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    Political Parties on Campus

    Like Dingo, I didn't get a UAI over 86.