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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    because he's NOT omnipotent (the omnipotent paradox)
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    if the holy spirit guides every christians, then there shouldn't so many denominations (and LRA) and conflicts between them. and everyone is convinced that their interpretations is right...
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    wow, you're like the first person who actually explained things. and i thank you for it. however, you seems to emphasise a lot on god's intension. but we can never truly know what his intention is apart from what's written there. i guess that's where most schisms occur. because if we take...
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    i think you explained most things quite well. i can see your reasonings behind the fish one, "hate" your parents one and eye for an eye. however, i still have some problems with the rest. for the clothes 1, aren't all christians suppose to follow the words of the bible? and i can't really see...
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    if you want to know more of my political stance, please email/pm me, cos this is way off the topic now.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    i wouldn't call myself left or right. i'm small-l liberal in that i believe in stuff like gay rights and abortion but i also believe in price mechanism and minimum welfare (but free education to escape povery cycle)
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    i have strong opinion, but only talks about them and never acts (my friends are all very sick of me talking about them already, and if i do something, they prob think i'm even more crazy) and i don't like any political parties, but don't have enough support to start my own.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    i can't vote yet.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion. - reportedly said by L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology so true.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    isn't revelation just someone's dream (or hallucination)? and what do you need to look at? i found that many adjacent verses don't really explain much
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    just out of interest, what role do you play in the socialist alliance?
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    what astonishes me is that not many christians seems to be able to defend their bible, yet they still hold strong faith in it. christians, come and argue, i want to see your views.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    but if you take some verses non-literally, when does it stop? maybe the whole bible should not be taken literally and there isn't actually a hell.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    yes, and make money while you're at it.
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    anyone else don't believe in love?

    i think we're talking about a different kind of love now...
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    pretty much. i've read most of the new testament and some of the old testament.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    no, why? in case you're asking me why i don't criticise other religious texts, it's because i haven't read them.
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    Bible verses often ignored by Christians

    i don't know if it's the right category to put in. but here it is: Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. (Letivicus 19:19) Of all the creatures living in the water of the...
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    or you can join mine. i.e. the heavenly and holy assembly of the righteous ones. it works like pyramid selling, so join early and reap all the benefits!
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    i just found this (from another forum):