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  1. MiuMiu

    Lucky by Alice Sebold

    I read Lucky, I agree it was really graphic and quite disturbing, the middle bit where shes at home and just gets around in her nightie is a bit too longwinded and boring but its a fairly compelling read.
  2. MiuMiu


    Tulipa, Im afraid the definition of classic is majority public consensus.
  3. MiuMiu


    Actually, Pride and Prejudice was very well written, and I hate to tell you, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean its not a classic. It has been considered a classic for a very long time.
  4. MiuMiu

    Fragrances/Perfumes No.2

    Im gonna buy Prada and Poison when I go duty-free shopping tomorrow!
  5. MiuMiu

    Sex Before Marriage

    If god loves everyone, then why doesn't everyone love one another?
  6. MiuMiu

    first times

    When did I say my sex life was orgasm-less? I believe I said during intercourse. And yes, he can go for hours.
  7. MiuMiu

    Sex Before Marriage

    I don't believe in organised religion. People are TELLING you what to believe. I just cannot see the logic in that. And if you cannot marry someone because they are of a different faith to you, surely thats a sin, or is 'god' the reason behind all the division and war in the world?
  8. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    Yeah I had one last period, I am never late, and I ended up being 4 days late. Add that to the fact that I had unprotected sex around a dangerous time (ovulation wise) I was SHITTING myself!
  9. MiuMiu

    first times

    Thankyou for passing judgement on my sexual relationships when I never asked for it. I am currently sleeping with a guy who is the type that if you don't orgasm, gets incredibly offended. He will go on for hours trying everything to try and get me to orgasm. After a while this starts to fucking...
  10. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    Stress does not delay a period, it delays ovulation. You will ALWAYS (no matter how long your average cycle) menstruate exactly 2 weeks after ovulation. So if you were stressed around the time you should hav ovulated, that could delay it and therefore give you a late period.
  11. MiuMiu

    Pregnancy Scares

    I don't know that anyone ever told me how babies were made, I think I just worked it out on my own. Dolly Magazine filled in the rest for me. I remember finding out the proper name for a guy's ball was 'testicles' in year 5, its a very vivid memory actually.
  12. MiuMiu

    Do you prefer to be overdressed or underdressed?

    I don't feel the need to impress people everyday and Im happy without makeup. Sometimes I wake up and decide I look hotter without it too,
  13. MiuMiu

    the 'I HATE SUPRE' thread

    Omg me too! My mum used to love their cotton short for bumming around the house and over the year supre slowly transformed and she was no longer able to find them....
  14. MiuMiu


    I love the classics and barely read anything else. However everyone here has to read 'The Thorn Birds' by Colleen McCollough...possibly my favourite book ever. About to start Dostoevsky's 'From the Underground' And I'll defend Pride and Prejudice, I loved it.
  15. MiuMiu

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    Oh they weren't top tier firms, just your average medium sized legal type places. I think my 'boss' (they guy I follow around) at legal aid must have told a few people about me.
  16. MiuMiu

    Junior Legal Secretary Interview

    I didn't apply but was offered a summer clerkship this year for some reason from a few places but had to say no cos Im going away. Is the application process really competitive? Cos Im thinking of actually applying for summer next year.
  17. MiuMiu

    first times

    I fake really well, theres not just groaning involved but certain muscles also ;)
  18. MiuMiu

    post xmas detoxing

    I don't drink, its nothing for anyone to laugh at, however you do lose your only possible common ground with a lot of people. Detox is bullshit. Stick to water and grapefruit (or another citrus-y kinda fruit) for three days and you should feel 'clean'. Our bodies detox themselves.
  19. MiuMiu

    the 'I HATE SUPRE' thread

    Ever since I saw the top they were selling that said 'Daddy's little slut' a year or two ago I decided I would never set foot in a supre again. I don't care what their clothes look like, that is NOT socially responsible. No wonder there are two at Westfield Miranda, there are so many skanks in...