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  1. lourai*87

    how do you tell?

    Umm...what are people doing? And then maybe we can tell you if its flirting then?? :p
  2. lourai*87

    Ever hooked up eith your Ex's best friend??

    Yes yes i read that over and over trying to figure it out. I was puzzled...and then i stopped caring =p Right now...guys are bastards. My first ex's best friend who was my bf but is now my second ex broke up with me but forgot to tell me about this new development. So i got the sympathy of...
  3. lourai*87

    Have you cried yet?

    ^^^ I know!! Everything seems so trivial when people ask what you are upset/angry about. At the time though -- god, i have cried so much over school its not funny. And yes i am patheic and a sook but hey. I think its mainly english and maths and just the frustration that i know i can do it...
  4. lourai*87

    nutrition & dietetics?

    Kk thankyou
  5. lourai*87

    Chicks and music

    Back on topic for a second... I listen to pantera..its great. Also APC - Maynards voice is amazing, some of Tool, i used to be really into Manson but yeah nowadays it pisses me off and i agree its pretty tame. I got some stuff by Murderdolls from a friend, and doesnt anyone think they are...
  6. lourai*87

    nutrition & dietetics?

    Anyone doing this or know someone who is? Just curious as to what the course entails, if you like it, etc. I know i can go research, but im more looking for peoples actual opinions/experiences. Thanks =)
  7. lourai*87

    Ever hooked up eith your Ex's best friend??

    Yah tis wierd huh. I might mention also that my current bf (ex's best friend) is another of my friends ex's. But i wouldnt consider myself a close friend with this girl. Needless to say, i feel kinda awkward around her now. I got the impression that she still feels some sort of thing for him...
  8. lourai*87

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Im the same but opposite (being a female and all). I have only had one bf previously and have one atm. I have only kissed the one guy, and yeah have more guy friends and get along better with guys than girls. Oh...and im not gay either =p
  9. lourai*87

    reasons for nose bleeding

    Maybe a bit strange, but i used to get nosebleeds whenever just before the weather became all humid and raining. I used to get really bad headaches too. This used to happen without fail, but hasn't happened for ages. Last week tho i had a nosebleed for the first time in months and months, and...
  10. lourai*87

    another log

    Not as yet. It hasnt finished...its been going for ages now. An example of stuff that has come up: C:\Documents and Settings\....\Spybot Search & Destroy\Recovery\ Diagnostic says "cannot parse or unpack this object". THere are about 12 of these but different things as...
  11. lourai*87

    another log

    hijack this (again) Norman has a list of stuff for the first time ever - alexa, internet optimizer, dyfuca, nCase....i dont know what i ahve to do tho! Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 8:21:18 PM, on 28/06/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet...
  12. lourai*87

    English All Nighters

    Recently i had a 20% essay to write, due on a monday. I began the essay at 9;30pm sunday night and comleted it at about 3am monday morning. During this time i talked to or texted everyone (procrastination) and then spent another hour after i finished talking to a classmate on teh phone...
  13. lourai*87

    Ever hooked up eith your Ex's best friend??

    hmm...that is a bit slack.... just to follow on from my novel up there, recently made up with ex and ex-friend..and am now going out with one of ex's best friends who is guy #3. He doesnt appear to mind though.. :s
  14. lourai*87

    Religious affiliation

    In you saying how you feel may be classed as offensive. I dont think it was an attack on christianity. No-one's religion is perfect. If it works for you (collective) then thats good, it really is. But to be honest with you, i know quite a number of christians that are very narrow-minded...
  15. lourai*87

    when heaps of girls hit on your boyfriend.

    wow this "best friend + boyfriend" combo seems to be the in thing right now :s
  16. lourai*87

    Human Coloning

    In general i am against this. While it may have its benefits in medicine and the like, i dotn think it should be allowed at all. Once something like this gets into the wrong hands, it can be used for things which are not necessary and morally wrong, so it would be better to remove the problem...
  17. lourai*87

    when heaps of girls hit on your boyfriend.

    If this is all that is making your life horrible you need to step back and rethink your perspective. Hard, yes, but horrible...? The more insecurities you have the more likely your relationship is going to screw up. You may subconciously distance yourself from him just because you are...
  18. lourai*87

    1984 bout this suggestion? Can we get rid of all the seemingly senseless rambling in this thread (i got tired after page 12) and maybe leave it for when we actually want to talk about the text? Hows that sound?
  19. lourai*87


    its devestating, isnt it :(
  20. lourai*87

    Girls and Guys as friends...

    Ah, good thinking...Never crossed my mind. Guess i better stay on gurad then =p