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    B.Media major in Screen production @UMACQ vs (media production) @ UNSW

    Tough market to crack into, like any creative arts position, so it's really going to come down to what you make of it, your own impetus in developing a portfolio, searching for internships, getting published/distributed, etc. I don't think that there's a 'better' or 'worse' but different...
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    Not compulsory, but highly recommended. Its basically a tailored day set up by students to introduce you to the uni and procedures at uni etc
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    Employment outcomes of Arts grads

    Exactly my point, you've posted crap that we all know, or is general knowledge, so I'm wondering what the point of posting such a thing is other than to antagonise or provoke? You've posted nothing to further the discussion so perhaps we should just delete them, hmm yes!
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    Train line!!!

    Re: Omg omg omg omg omg !!! We're just old and bitter, we've been lied to before and betrayed by Cityrail :p
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    Anyone doing either Media or International Communications?

    Meet friends, that's what the day is for.
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    B.Media major in Screen production @UMACQ vs (media production) @ UNSW

    Major difference? One's at UNSW, the other is at MQ Job opportunities? Little to none. What you do in the course? Make films and study the theory about making films. For a more in depth look: UNSW MQ More threads...
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    Employment outcomes of Arts grads

    Which goes back to my point, you seem to be somewhat surprised, even astounded, or perhaps just trying to reassure yourself, of what seems to be fairly common knowledge.
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    Employment outcomes of Arts grads

    It's great to actually read some of the qualitative findings they put into these surveys, as a failsafe to idiots like yourself who'd rather sprout useless garbage.
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    Registration on the day, to confirm you're there? Not really that confusing. I demand photos opportunities!
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    It's thrown by the Faculty, not the Transition program, so blame your Faculty :p
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    Where can I find free piano sheet music?

    There are plenty of places which are fairly cheap, I suggest just buying it.
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    Anyone studied/ studying B.Edu(early childhood)

    You won't really find that at uni, most people are just thankful to be there :) And only idiots care about UAI's after the HSC.
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    *pats amazon*
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    india-continiuty and change

    How to create a fantastic PIP
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers When in doubt, contact someone at Macquarie: Source: Deferring your Degree
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    Anyone studied/ studying B.Edu(early childhood)

    Ahh, it's not too difficult, I think the thing that gets most people is just staying on top of the work. And while non-award is slightly different, don't think yourself as being 'dumber' or different, you'll be in the same classes doing the same course just like other people :) If you need...
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    anyone get a free usb with final round offer?

    Twas! They took away our chicken salt :( Haha yes! We'd stand there and drink like 2-3 bottles worth, was amazing!
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    Anyone studied/ studying B.Edu(early childhood)

    Don't think science, law or commerce are necessary 'smart' subjects. Also, 4 units is the usual workload, so I don't think its 'heavy' as such, but it's up to you to decide. It is possible to get good marks, and not fail, but it does require some work and turning up to classes :)
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Best teacher in the country yo
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers I might have to do HIST115 depending on whether I can get a waiver for another subject *sigh* or another HIST unit ><