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  1. Crikket

    saddest songs ever?

    there's a song that was played in the last episode of dawsons creek, when the blonde girl was dying and she was in the hospital i don't watch crap, but it was the holidays and daytime tv shows were very tempting! anyways, i looked it up, and it's called "say goodnight, not goodbye" and it's...
  2. Crikket

    Favourite Note/Scale

    for a sad, melancholy sound, i really like Aminor it's so simple! there's onli 2 flats (i think) but all these chords are great, i think i'll use them in my composition! MWAHAHAHAHA! thank you!
  3. Crikket


    hey, at least you guys got to see it :( our school was going to go, but our exams were on the same day... i tried to organise a non-school thing, but it didn't happen... were there any bass players? :p
  4. Crikket

    fairly easy bass pieces DESPERATELY NEEDED!! ahh help me!

    tabs really suck! the ones i get on the internet are completely useless i have to figure them out by myself in the end and trust me, that aint pretty! haha, good luck finding the tabs
  5. Crikket

    Performance Pieces and Instrument of Choice

    ima gonna play a kazoo! jk jk i'm playing bass for my core and one elective ad i'm thinking of doing "Latin Groove" and "Chick from Corea" but they're both by the same guy... do you reckon that'll matter?
  6. Crikket

    I need some help to choose a piece.

    For 20th and 21st century, why don't you do a pop song? some really old stuff is great for solo piano like my friend who's doing 7th grade piano, she's doing "the Stranger" by Billy Joel for her hsc or you can check out what songs the AMEB prescribes for piano for leisure exams, and play...
  7. Crikket

    fairly easy bass pieces DESPERATELY NEEDED!! ahh help me!

    hey i know EXACTLY how you feel, i left mine until 2 weeks before my half yearly music exam (yesterday) and feeling quite ... ARRRRR!! Everyone says go for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers stuff, but it's too repetative, don't do it!!! Most Victor Wooten stuff is bass solo, its really good to...
  8. Crikket

    The Best King Lear Adaptation

    thanks so much! i ended up using the peter brooke one, the richard eyre's one and michael eliots, but they didn't really suit the readings i was doing.. i'll look into the japanese version and the russian one thanks for the suggestions!
  9. Crikket

    can get a UAI estimate please? pretty please??

    try putting your marks in the SAM but i'd say you're going prettttty well! and if you think getting 40/50 in physics is bad, damn, i'm stuffed! :p
  10. Crikket

    The Best King Lear Adaptation

    hi! i was wondering if someone could tell me which are the best king lear films/productions to analyse... i'm supposed to be writing an essay on three on their representation of king lear (EEEEP!) thanks muchly:D