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  1. Leanne

    Indochina >> Vietnamisation

    does ian sutherland teach straight from the syllabus? or do u have to sort of collect ur notes urself and work out what goes where like i have to do?
  2. Leanne

    Notes that follow the syllabus?

    I was wondering if anyone had some really good notes about Germany and Conflict in Indochina that have been set out by the syllabus? I have just gone to HSC online and gotten a whole heap from there to base my study notes on....but does anyone have some more? Thanx! p.s. You can...
  3. Leanne

    HSC 2002 School Rankings

    well poor little....(with a huge population of 500 in yr 12) Georges River College didnt make it..its only a baby....second yr 12 going through this year...... Class of '03 will put our school on da list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Leanne

    Where to find school ranking?

    thats unfair for my school! this is only the second yr 12 to go through this year......... does that mean that we have an unfair advantage???????
  5. Leanne

    Extesion2 English and UAI

    so wiv can go up or down like scaling right?
  6. Leanne

    School Class Size?

    if i'm in the top 10% for 3 subjects....Community and Family Studies, Drama and Art....out of 2 classes for each i likely to do well? i've already started studying........
  7. Leanne

    Question (Not a Prediction)

    Amen! lol! How much study do u reckon is too much study? I started studying again last week...but do u reckon that i'd burn myself out if i keep this up for the next 2 months? I just want to do the best that i i can get that HIGH UAI!!!
  8. Leanne

    Teachers? Do they really affect your results?

    yeah, my friend told me at her school on every exam paper they wrote their student number to avoid bias....i think we soo should have done that!!! some ppl always seem to do well....and they seem to be the ones the teacher ironic
  9. Leanne

    Study for modern???

    thanx natstar! i'll try that!
  10. Leanne

    Hsc Exams

    i think yr 12 drama is only slightly harder because u have to juggle learning 4 plays with an individual and group project....but if u organise ur time..its easy!
  11. Leanne

    Stupid art teachers

    well my concept was the strong part!!! i used a lot of photography and mixed i'm not a strong drawer or painter.....but why should i be marked down for a lack of drawing/painting......? my dad is an art teacher and he would have given me 43/50..not to be biased or anything...
  12. Leanne

    RIP Leni

    u sorta mention that she recently died...but dont go into detail how and when exactly- as its irrelevent......
  13. Leanne

    HSC Markers!

    our topic was peeling..but the peeling part comes at the very was all about fears...and only living half a life...peeling away the fears at the end would have sopped any strife.
  14. Leanne

    Stupid art teachers

    i am fucking pissed off about my major art mark!!!!!! My teachers have said absolutely nothing against my artwork.. and then i find out today that i was given 40/50!!!!! meanwhile.....this guy who shoved some pieces of material together last minute got 45!!!!!! and these two guys...whose works...
  15. Leanne

    RIP Leni

    i actually felt sorry for her up until i watched that film!! she was soo bitchy and kept contradicting herself!
  16. Leanne


    i have to give u all a round of applause for such entertainment! Mandz is obviously insecure about her knowledge towards post modernism, and although i am not as intellectuaal as gloria and spin spin sugar, I am smart enough to realise that Mandz is making hypocritcal statements about being...
  17. Leanne

    Why did you initially sign up for Extension 2?

    totally agree! when i say i dont do maths or science sum ppl look at me as if to say...'ooh..that was a mistake'...but if i was doing so bad in them from 7-10...y take the chance for my HSC?? to all of those ppl who are good at creative and 'logical' subjects- good on ya...
  18. Leanne

    Study for modern???

    thats good! cos like we haven't even been told HOW historiography works! only ext. ppl know! i had no idea!!!
  19. Leanne

    VAPD due tomorrow!!!!

    yes, but they'd want to see for themselves... for all they know..the teacher did it all and just let u sign as thoug it was all yours! wat was ur artwork about tash?
  20. Leanne

    Why did you initially sign up for Extension 2?

    i think i've had the most work for community and family studies (so much is involved...not ALL common knowledge!) and modern history (pretty much because i've had to teach myself...stupid teacher...)