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  1. bex

    Frontline: Additional Text: Today Tonight Web site

    sounds good to me!
  2. bex

    Lear and the HSC 2004/2005

    Hi I thought it was interesting to note that in 2004, Adv English only study King Lear along with A Thousand Acres.. which is a lot damn easier than doing the whole thing on its own! For the critical study of texts, which is what we do now with lear, the newbies will have to do Hamlet...
  3. bex

    King Lear Scenes??

    Depending on the readings you choose, different scenes will have different relevence... im doing a 1 sc 2 and a 3 sc 2
  4. bex

    Memorising Essays...???

    Im trying to learn King lear right now... ITS NOT WORKING!!! My brain is overloading!!! I have this feeling that my mind is like a bottle neck right now... all the info is going in at once and is stuck!!! eventually it will make it to the inside of my brain!(or the bottle!)
  5. bex

    The subject I hate most is ...

    everything i wanted to say and more!!
  6. bex

    everyday impact on believers.. what the?

    Impact on the daily lives of believers means to what exent was the effect of the ritual/teacher/interpreter/woman etc on the everyday lives of believers... what things about that specific thing enhanced or detracted from the faith of the followers of the religion.. does that make sense...
  7. bex

    Your Studies of Religion class

    We only have SOR2 and it isnt compulsory in my catholic school.. there are 8 people in my class and its pretty tough! I ended the year coming second and i was happy with that. Our abilities are pretty spread out throughout the class and our teacer is really into it.. I like SOR... the course...
  8. bex

    conventions of crime fiction

    i completely forgot that i started this thread! But thanks so much for the 10 points! A key part of this course is examinng how the genre has developed over time and through context.. so i think it would be good to bring that up in an essay...
  9. bex

    What is the worse combination of texts for eng adv?

    AOS: Gwen Harwood BORING Module A: Brave New World and Blade Runner- Module B: King Lear- Maybe i would be ok if i understood the stpid play! Module C: Frontline- The series is great but i hate pulling it to bits and i think my english teacher reads too far into things.. 'the banana that...
  10. bex

    King Lear

    i never thought of it that way!! But its so true! You have enlightened me! of course, i alkready knew that the BOS was full of crap... for example in Business, Different textbooks give different definitions of what poly/geo and ethno centric staffing are... when our teachers asked the BOS which...
  11. bex

    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    its really strange... in business studies i average about 8pages for the ext response and about the same for the report... but in english!!? bah! 5 tops! i think its cause they rquire so much damn detail... i hate king lear especially... and that article in the SMH really summed up the way i...
  12. bex

    King Lear

    that unsw one was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad... i saw it too the actual play was pretty good and the director would have gotten away with it until she got up and spoke to us! q) is there a profound reason why the fool isnt included? a) i dont really like clowns BLAH BLAH
  13. bex

    How's everyone going?

    good point... english is a piece of crap
  14. bex

    Scream! (& cry ...)

    bahaha why is my post wider than the rest of the page?!
  15. bex

    formal afters

    I WANT THE FORMAL TO BE NOW!!!!!!!!!!! unless you havent noticed.... im in HSC denial
  16. bex

    How's everyone going?

    im very tired and have done maybe 4hrs worth of work since thursday.... daddys NOT HAPPY! thats well under his quota of 5hrs a day! apparently ive 'lost' my focus.. well if thats so... can he damn well find it for me!?!?!?!??!? argh! :D
  17. bex

    Scream! (& cry ...)

    haviung the hsc in one week.... do you mean one week till the HSC or all your exams are in one week!? for me its one week to go...... AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH...
  18. bex

    How many units are you doing?

    oh yeah! i forgot bout ext 2 english... done! *dusts hands*
  19. bex

    How much hard work is needed?

    well judging on how much time we spend on here... not that much! nah umm just be consistant from the beginning and take one step at a time... its all about the rankings!! But dont work so hard that you forget everything else!! Enjoy your last year at school its the best one of all!!:D
  20. bex

    Best ever driving songs!

    rnb makes me want to vomit... freestyler... i like all those songs! good choice!