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    Combined law courses all have the same course code?

    Yes and yes. You pick the course you want to combine with Law at enrolment.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Yo dudes, help me pick someone to vote for in the uni senate election. I want to get those couple of pieces of paper off my floor so I have at least partial access to the carpet.
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    a few questions about social inquiry

    UTS has a lot of writing, communication, media, cultural studies and so on in its humanities faculty. It's not so big on history, classics, philosophy, literature and all that stuff. (As you'd expect from a technology university.)
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    a few questions about social inquiry

    UTS is pretty weak on history and on 'traditional' humanities more generally.
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    Did anyone watch Summer Heights High?

    Re: Did anyone watched Summer Heights High? They're all meant to be Polynesian, yeah.
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    Would've been great if they'd given these instructions, I don't know, before we did the asssignment.
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    USYD to Offer Six-Year Degree :s

    Uni seems to go by faster than school, though. I'm probably going to be at uni for 6-7 years :)
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! UAI was 94.50, GPA for first sem was 6.0. (It's C=5, D=6, HD=7, isn't it? I got an HD, 2 Ds and a C.) If my UAI had been a couple of points higher I'd be confident, but as it stands I'll probably only get in if I get a slew of HDs this semester - unlikely - or if...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! Just applied to transfer to Usyd BA/LLB. Odds of actually getting the transfer: 0.000000000001%
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    Australia should join NATO

    It was involved with the intervention in Kosovo, and it's doing some stuff in Afghanistan as well. But nowadays it's more an alliance of Western nations than it is a group that actually does things.
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    GOVT1105 Geopolitics

    Anyone else not able to open the assignment feedback document on Blackboard?
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    SRC Elections '07

    Facebook tells me that ink won for Honi. Awesome.
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    SRC Elections '07

    So when do we find out the results?
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    A teacher can give you a zero if you don't get any answers right. Also if you cheat.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! What annoy me are the constant attempts to insert the name of the ticket into every sentence of the policy statements. "We need free education NOW!" "Let's give Honi/NUS/SRC back its MOJO!" "It's time to SHOUT! for change!" et al. That was one of the reasons I...
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    DRAFT Exam Timetable Released (Sem 2, 2007)

    :( That happened last semester as well.
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    DRAFT Exam Timetable Released (Sem 2, 2007)

    GOVT1105, Wednesday 7 November 2007, 9:20 am to 11:30 am ANHS1005, Thursday 8 November 2007, 1:50 pm to 4:30 pm HSTY1088, Saturday 10 November 2007, 9:20 am to 11:30 am ARNE1001, Friday 16 November 2007, 9:20 am to 11:30 am Urrgggh. Edit: at least I have a week to study for ARNE1001, but the...
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester II Chatter Thread! I voted at ~9am, so I managed to escape the worst of the HTV people. I still got mobbed a gang of people from Left Focus, but I managed to escape over the chalked line, thank god. And Alice Workman talked at my archaeology lecture about Mojo. "WE'RE NOT...
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    B Social Sciences and its majors

    Given the structure of the degree, with the large number of core units, it'd probably be difficult to fit in a third major. It might just be possible, but it'd require very careful planning and the commencement of senior units in your first year.