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    Anyone choose a course for the prestige/graduate salary and regret it?

    Corporate lawyers - Millions of pounds in the UK American Doctors, they will reach 600-700k easy.
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    Britain warned Iran on kidnapped troops

    I dont think you realise how much bloodshed it would cause if america attacked Iran. Iran has MUCH stronger defence forces than Iraq.
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    haha write that on your cover letter. of course i went to every coaching centre I could find. And yeh social life comes into applying for grad positions lol. Ah I feel sorry for you, probably going to be stuck in a small accountancy practice for the rest of your life.
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    physics mechanics qu

    You are asked to design spring bumpers for the walls of a parking garage. A freely rolling m car moving at v is to compress the spring no more than x before stopping. What should be the force constant of the spring? Assume that the spring has negligible mass. I thought it would be 1/2mv^2...
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    physics mechanics question

    You are asked to design spring bumpers for the walls of a parking garage. A freely rolling m car moving at v is to compress the spring no more than x before stopping. What should be the force constant of the spring? Assume that the spring has negligible mass. I thought it would be 1/2mv^2...
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    Finance: **finsia??**

    finsia is supposed to be more job related, as there are quite a few ppl who have jobs who study there, however its rep has gone downhill over the years, so i have heard
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    lol a bachelor of business student from ACU calling a HD average UNSW actuarial student, a smart arse.
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    do they??

    yeh they do. when is the end of sem one? I wanna go this time.
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    Indian I Banking

    Lots of firms have that. Was just laughing at how brief it is and that all they care about is your marks/stats etc. No spaces for why you want to work with them or other personality questions.
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    Transfer into Medicine

    Your uni marks are great, however melbourne is around 99uai + HD average. Sorry.
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    double major in eng/sci

    Can i double major in the science bit if i can fit it in (just) ?
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    Mandarin tutor wanted

    Sorry I was joking about the arts bit. I wouldn't bother with the arts degree. You are going to be studying for 10+ years for med, why bother studying another year.
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    Indian I Banking

    Anyone know any info on this? No match for IIM/IIT grads, but might aswell consider it. I guess ibanking + living in new delhi = life expectancy of 35. edit: i like this banks application form:
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    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    not too hard to move from big4 to good us law firms. seen it done recently with decent academics.
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    Mandarin tutor wanted

    I'm trying! You read traditional? Heard that's what they use in HK. Just gotta fix my hindi and im off to apply round the world ;) I wish :p virtual : its part of my arts degree.
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    CHNS1101 - Mandarin - anyone done it?

    Has anyone done this subject? If so, please pm me or post so I can ask you a few questions
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    Any place in USyd where I can change foreign currencies into $AU?

    No they dont. You realise those 'money exchange' places have a huge spread to make up for the fees.
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    Mandarin tutor wanted

    Thanks for the advice, but no thanks for your stupid comment. Do you know what he charges?
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    Questions about Transferring into USyd

    then transfer to unsw com/sci or com/law or com/something
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    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    this hours stuff sounds like bs.