Search results

  1. V

    Sydney Accounting/Finance Job Network

    but the place i work isn't very good and the referral bonus is only $500. most i have seen is $1000. All tax free, but not as good as the above.
  2. V

    good luck

    good luck for tomorrow people.
  3. V

    UMAT SCORE 300, UAI 100/ ENTER 99.95-which uni wuld u choose

    melb is the top ranked med school in aus period.
  4. V

    hey is anyone in first yr chem 11011?

    xiao is cool. Btw xioa, i learnt the other day your name means small :) He was my tutor once upon a time for maths :)
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    Law firm employment: non-legal roles

    Re: Law Firms what degree has a law major but cant allow you to practice?
  6. V

    Sydney Accounting/Finance Job Network

    I can help with an asx100 company but this really should be done privately, not open on this forum.
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    Comm/Law + Language POSSIBLE??

    dude chinese is hard, hope you're good.
  8. V

    Transcripts; undergrad and postgrad on same piece of paper?

    he said its the system. I dont care if both are undergrad, but this is undergrad and postgrad lol. Oh well, have to live with your past :)
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    Jim franklin is a member on here, maybe he will see this thread? He sounds like a pretty interesting guy judging by the stuff he publishes etc. edit: Seraphim I think you meant to say that their social activities are quite different from normal people :)
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    Transcripts; undergrad and postgrad on same piece of paper?

    Just received an email from James at the PG faculty of business office, and he said it will be on the same transcript as I will have the same student number. Which sucks :(
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    NEED CASH? i need tutor.. win win situation!

    Re: NEED CASH? i need a tutor.. win win situation! you're a fraud though. You claimed to be some iranian mathematician when you weren't. then you just left bos! dodgy vafa...
  12. V

    Law at which uni - conflicting info

    hard enough getting clerkships as it is. pick a good uni, should help you.
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    UAI cut off for med ?

    start looking for eng, unless you do well at umat.
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    Exchange to Asia and US

    i wanna go nus, quite cheap and a good uni. just gotta get better at chinese. georgetown is a good us uni.
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    whats commerce like?

    financial dealers - more like $10 000/week.
  16. V

    Transcripts; undergrad and postgrad on same piece of paper?

    I transferred out of unsw, so 1 have 1 yr of subjects on my transcript. I want to do a post grad business qualification at unsw after my degree. Will my subjects from my 1 yr stint at unsw be on that transcript? Or are there seperate undergrad and postgrad transcripts.
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    urgent: streams of engineering at UNSW

    Plenty of jobs in defence or boeing or qantas etc.
  18. V

    Australian Defence Force undergraduate scholarship scheme..

    ive done the whole process. pm me if you want more info. Your chances are proportional to the effort you put in.
  19. V

    Maths Ext 2 Tutors In The Hunter/newcastle Area Needed Asap

    Bear in mind this robert guy works or has financial interests in Master coaching.
  20. V

    Bachelor of Accounting

    1st tier uni > 2nd tier polytechnic.