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  1. _muse_

    Pride and Prejudice

    ooooo YES another pride and prejudice thread :) p&p is awesometastic. the mini-series got me hooked somethin shockin.. i wish they would show it again :) mmm colin firth..
  2. _muse_

    Age Difference

    im going out with a 24 yr old.. n i turn 18 later this year.. no biggy for us.. still havent told my folks tho :) we're workin on it.. i dont see wats wrong with it.. age is just a number, people always generalise that people are mature when they hit a certian age or people just want sex or shit...
  3. _muse_

    Porn & Relationships

    pff my boyf downloads porn.. i dont care.. i TELL him to download it.. at least then he can look at someone thats pretty, unlike me.
  4. _muse_

    Board Games!!

    bos twister tournament then a monopoly tournament then a cluedo tournament im in :)
  5. _muse_

    SDA: How to quit?

    my sda lady is fairly good, probably because she likes a select few of us because we were at her exchange students party.. and she got us drunk and we saw her have sex.. but thats a different story. the actual union delegates in my store however are a different story... one got fired and the...
  6. _muse_

    Video Editing Programs

    awesome thanks, someone told me to jus use windows movie maker... but im a bit hesitant...
  7. _muse_

    I Have no assessments for IPT

    im the latter :)
  8. _muse_

    Video Editing Programs

    This should probably be in another forum but... i was just wondering what editing programs all you little video drama-ians were using? because i need to get one and im not sure which one is the best....
  9. _muse_

    Class of 05 How did you go in ur 2nd assessment? Due to popular demand...

    *cries because she has half yearlies and trev doesnt* :(
  10. _muse_

    SDA: How to quit?

    freebies for the fees :p nah i dunno, somewhere in ur handbook that u got with ur SDA card should tell you how you can quit. but as lazyboy said, i wouldnt reccommend it. Ur union is going to be the only one who will stick up for you if you are under 18. cause no1 else will.
  11. _muse_

    Biggest Loser!

    yeah i agree, they are being taught how to eat properly.. but i swear somewhere i read it was unhealthy to lose more than a kilo per week, and these guys are losing up to 6 or more! its so crazy. I wonder if any of them will have that lose skin that some peope have when they lose alot of weight.
  12. _muse_

    Zero Hour

    DAMNIT i missed it... i really wanted to see it too.. far out. stupid migraine sending me to bed.
  13. _muse_

    Biggest Loser!

    yeah drea was good, except she never really said anything to anyone else unless she was REALLY angry. but that bit where she was with the trainer was so sad.. i hate it when guys cry, i jus wanan hug em all :(... oh and yeah.. it does suck being on a diet and watching them lose sooo many kilos...
  14. _muse_

    ETA English Study Day

    theres another eta study day?! since when?! pff looks like we're not going.. the only one im going to that i know of it the ee2 one of march 20
  15. _muse_

    Sensing Murder

    ooo yeah those creepy things have got me sorted out too *shudders*
  16. _muse_

    Sensing Murder

    yeah i always wanted to believe tthat psychics were real too, except there was always a part of me that knew that there arent as many out there as their is advertised. I dunno, they still have freaking me out down to a fine art.
  17. _muse_

    Sensing Murder

    damnit.. mine does :( still, its a good point mcdickpants, now that i think about it, i kinda agree
  18. _muse_

    Biggest Loser!

    surely losing that much weight so quickly cannot be healthy, i dont care if they say they have doctors on sight and everything but god... how are they going to cope when they all go home and there are no doctors and they have to go to work and they cant work out all day?! bah.. still.. id go...
  19. _muse_

    Board Games!!

    if anyone ever offered me a game of twister id probably kiss them to death. It's my all time favourite game.. and taboo.. taboo is so awesome. but twister is #1 :)
  20. _muse_

    Retainers for teeth!

    i still eat like ive got my braces, i dont bite things, i pull them apart (like a sandwich for example, ill break off a piece and eat it, rather than just taking a bite) and i dont eat things like peanuts or anything like that because im worried it'll break something lol