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  1. inasero

    Do you buy your books or borrow them from the library?

    i buy books to hoard :) but in alls eroiusness, library books suck, specially the ones round my area...all the ones i want to read are usually out for loan anyways and i cant be bothered to reserve them
  2. inasero

    How to succeed in the UMAT- Section 3.

    H4? No. Move up to Row 5. C5? No. F5? No. We don't need to move to Row 6 as clearly no shape can exist there. Therefore by process of elimination, we have discounted the possibility of figure 'A' being the answer. The advantage of this is even if you can't 'see' the other shape, at least you...
  3. inasero

    How to succeed in the UMAT- Section 3.

    Have a read
  4. inasero

    Med camp

    from what i can gather...alot of drunken orgies :) well, i dont go to UNSW, but hey, why should things be any different?
  5. inasero

    What are my chances?

    i agree with lexicographer...hence dragging my arse nearly halfway acroos the country. where there's a will, there's a way
  6. inasero


    Why are you worried about how much this and that makes? But just for your information, dentists make more money and dont have medical indemnity if you're looking for the dough I'm afraid you came to the wrong place matey :P
  7. inasero


    A must see for all ali-g fans or bored people out there....don't miss it!
  8. inasero

    Website design: werid phenomenon

    i know this is irrelevant...but I really love your signature mito :) i think a more relevant dogma would be- an archer at long distances must aim above his target in order to hit it.
  9. inasero

    what made u choose your course?

    haha of course i know al(ex)man... anyhows, man i feel sorry for you Melbie...that's unduly harsh....thats how long it takes me to fly from Sydney to Melbourne!
  10. inasero

    theres wrong......and then there is very fucking wrong

    man i wonder how old this guy was (the one who raped his Mum)...
  11. inasero

    Type Two's!!!!!!!!!!! for help on section 3
  12. inasero

    what made u choose your course?

    yeah all Uni's have diploma of languages! Or you could specialise in a language within B.Arts. How about the BA (Languages) at Usyd? That's a degree devoted to the study of languages~
  13. inasero

    question abt. medicine in australia

    hey wouldnt it be the other way around...?? at the moment, Australia has a workforce shortage of healthcare practitioners and would be willing to accept almost anyone, even if he/she has a dodgy degree from a dodgy institution. Provided they're not jumping off a boat and enter Australia...
  14. inasero

    question abt. medicine in australia

    haha didt i give it to you before? well im not too sure ho wlong it would take...
  15. inasero


    hehe i dont look THAT close....just suspend ur disbelief ya know! we're not gonna start complaining about how the simpsons have only four fingers on each hand now are we?
  16. inasero

    LCM (Thread II) - Spam-Free Organising

    Sample Form Name: U know.... Unavailabilities: anytime after the 22nd of feb Dietary Requirements and Medical Information: Allergy to grass...therefore grass eating is strictly out of the question I beleive. Preferred Activity 1 (Mid-morning to Midday): whtever u guys like, I'm cool...
  17. inasero

    Type Two's!!!!!!!!!!!

    nope u most definitely do NOT do what yewon says :P what you should do is look for a special feature identifying each particular figure and go through the whole diagram...where you think you recognise it, see if you can trcae out the figure...if not then move on to the other alternatives and...
  18. inasero

    Things to do when moving out of home...

    haha xayma how do u know about the F88? are u in the cadets or something?
  19. inasero

    question abt. medicine in australia

    you have to take a series of oral and written examinations...not only in the field of medicine but also english language proficiency. the same goes for transferring between any two countries where the degrees are not recognised