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  1. MiuMiu

    Tax, eh? ... Help me

    You still get money back over the 6K threshold, its a low income earners rebate thingy.
  2. MiuMiu


    if you tell your boss you're leaving and hand in your resignation, theres nothing they can do to stop you. If that was me that had been called Id have said thats great but I don't work for you anymore buddy.
  3. MiuMiu

    Casuals and Redundancy

    Generally speaking, if you employed as a casual, your work is just that, casual. You are used when they need you, and if they don't need you then you aren't entitled to anything. Recently there was a piece of legislation being talked about whereby if you had been employed for 3 years...
  4. MiuMiu


    Your immediate manager (ie if you're on registers whoever is in charge of those). If you're casual you don't really have to quit as such, just make yourself unavailable for shifts.
  5. MiuMiu

    How did u Apply for u Job?

    Did the internet thing for colesmyer xmas casual (luckily when it was just new and not as popular as it is now, so it didn't take very long at all).
  6. MiuMiu

    Tax, eh? ... Help me

    Even though you stop employment in feb the store will send you out your group certificate near tax time and you can use that to lodge your tax return. And yeah, if you dont earn over the 6 grand, then u won't get ur union fees back, cos you've got no tax to deduct them from.
  7. MiuMiu

    Moving from one Coles Myer store to another in a different Shopping Center?

    I think you'll find that only the colesmyer supermarkets have supervisors. In other stores there isn't really a position like that. There are team leaders in kmart and target, but they are usually just casuals. I think having supervisors anywhere other than registers is a bit of a cop out...
  8. MiuMiu

    Moving from one Coles Myer store to another in a different Shopping Center?

    Its not too hard, just get a form from your payroll clerk/line manager and submit it.
  9. MiuMiu

    Is the customer always right?

    Nah, its amazing how many people come into kmart and demand they get something free when it scans wrong. "Its the law!" they exclaim.....and then I smugly get to explain that if they had researched said law they would see that this law applies only to supermarkets. 'Perhaps you'd like to go down...
  10. MiuMiu

    No breaks while working casual

    You aren't legally entitled to a break, it all depends on what AWA you signed when you joined up. You should have read the workplace agreement before you accepted employment. In this would be set out break entitlements and stuff like that. I actually recently rejected a job because the AWA...
  11. MiuMiu


    yes every store has a number but its not a colesmyer number, its an individual company number, for identification within the particular company (ie coles, bilo, target, kmart)
  12. MiuMiu

    Is the customer always right?

    That only applies to supermarkets. A liquor store is not a supermarket, its a specialist retailer.
  13. MiuMiu

    Is the customer always right?

    Having just helped this woman at a register the other day (I was very friendly about a mistake that was made and she got the stock at a lower price in a show of good will from me, I didn't have to give her a discount, but did) she has the nerve to turn around and ask me who was in charge of...
  14. MiuMiu


    Biggles where do you work? Colesmyer isn't a store, its a corporation. Am I right in assuming you work at Coles? Stocktake is this week at kmart. Takes us one day to prepare (ie clean the crap out of the stockroom and tidy everything up), then bout 2 and a half days to count. Its all run...
  15. MiuMiu

    mates before dates, bros before hoes etc.......

    Haha only two weeks, now thats a little over the top!
  16. MiuMiu

    mates before dates, bros before hoes etc.......

    I pretty much ditched all my friends when I got with this guy, cos he is my world. Can't say its really affected me. We have mutual friends and thats who we go out with. The people who were my 'personal' friends I barely even email let alone see.
  17. MiuMiu

    In Need of Some Advice...

    don't do it, long distance relationships are too hard and not fair on either party.
  18. MiuMiu


    You don't get it till offers come out. Although we did manage to get it a couple of days early this year cos someone just changed the file name from the uac site from 2002 to 2003 and it worked. Doubt it will be that easy this year though.
  19. MiuMiu

    Counting Money/Closing Store

    At kmart you enter into the register how many of each denomination you have and the rest is done by the register. We're pretty trusted.