Search results

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    Summer clerkships

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    Honour degree interview

    You'll probably be doing a 4-5 year course with the honours component as a compulsory aspect of it.
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    Honour degree interview

    Also if you can at all help it, try to have epiphanies before 4am, your body will thank you if you can sneak some sleep in before work.
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    Honour degree interview

    Honours will kill you. (tm) Or make the people around you want to kill you. Seriously.
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    Do these exist anymore?

    Irony ahoy?
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    About mktg101--need help

    What's a mouse?
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    Gendering the Joystick - Online Questionnaire for my Honours Thesis

    Thanks champ :) Some interesting trends I'm seeing already :O
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    Gendering the Joystick - Online Questionnaire for my Honours Thesis

    Hello there! I’m currently undertaking an Honours degree in the field of Media. As part of my thesis, I am conducting a study of video gamers in an Australian context and am looking for participants for an online questionnaire for the first study. The questionnaire will be run from the 6th...
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    Gendering the Joystick

    Hello there! I’m currently undertaking an Honours degree in the field of Media. As part of my thesis, I am conducting a study of video gamers in an Australian context and am looking for participants for an online questionnaire for the first study. The questionnaire will be run from the 6th...
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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Reason behind Macquarie NEW logo/image You don't have permission to access /onevoice/ on this server. Interesting...
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    Gaming Laptop

    Good way to work out the muscles lugging around the laptop all day.
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    Teaching at UNSW or UWS

    Hmm yeah that is a fair hike. Well, its an option I guess, good luck
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    Teaching at UNSW or UWS

    Where do you live? And we're getting a train station soon...
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    Teaching at UNSW or UWS

    Thought of Macquarie?
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    Okay. Am I wrong to ditch college for money.

    Stick with the carpeting
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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Reason behind Macquarie NEW logo/image Haha, touche
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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Reason behind Macquarie NEW logo/image Slight adjustment in spelling Macquarie right and including the star ;)
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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Reason behind Macquarie NEW logo/image -30* rotation Opera house anyone?
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    New logo, branding, etc

    Re: Don't miss your chance to be part of the unveiling of our new image... The logo is meaningless, its about as relevant as the lighthouse. What is it? A leaf? A petal? A flame? A clam? The only relevant aspect of it was supposed to be the star, which funnily enough they changed from the 7...
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    Local Aussie students to be taught basic English

    Then why not communicate in grunts? Or better still fist fights! With chickens.