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  1. B


    Ok then. I will change over because my contract ended two months ago... Thanks again guys.
  2. B


    I believe most did zimmer. So what ISP are you with Iamsickofyear12?
  3. B


    Aye I'm getting ripped. So, it's unlimited or 24GB max, per month?
  4. B


    How much per month?
  5. B


    What shit cunts... I pulled my computer apart and re-seated the RAM, cleaned the USB connectors, checked the cable box, fdsk yo. Glad you guys told me. Anyways, FREE USAGE TILL THE 9th!!!111!! UNCAPPED! and maybe you? OL!LOOL!LO!LO I didn't know untill tonight, I could've downloaded some...
  6. B


    Who else is having difficulties connecting to the net tonight?
  7. B

    So I want to become a doctor...

    Ok then, you keep telling yourself that. Until when though? 2011? when you graduate? There's only X amount of doctors a hospital can accommodate. And with the influx of graduates, where's the money going to come from to pay them? Within the near future, you doctors will be fighting one...
  8. B

    Hey! What do you think?

    I would like to hear your opinions/arguments/resolutions in relation to this situation. Thanks.
  9. B

    So I want to become a doctor...

    The influx of MBBS courses resulting in an influx in doctors will, within the near future, result in exactly the same thing. Yo, it's cool to do med cause itZ hard 2 get intoz... the prestige of medicine is long gone.
  10. B

    patterns in nature prelim help, lol

    That's ok. I've a Biology textbook here for you if you want it? It's Excel HSC Biology 2004 Revised, therefore it's the newest version. You can have it for free. $24.95 Postage + Handling, PM for details OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO.
  11. B

    patterns in nature prelim help, lol

    Add this link 2 your favorites: It's a website dedicated to biology, and this particular link I've provided has tutorials which teach you the basics, as well as more advanced topics. Also has a forum if you require any questions answered.
  12. B


    Loolololololololololollo Lo Lolo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lololololololololololololololololo Lolo Lo Lo
  13. B


    Well, you could politely pull her aside and ask is everything good between you two? It seems to me that either, you've misinterpreted her attitude towards you, or she's being a mind-fuck friend.
  14. B

    Opinions Of Notre Dame?

    Dame now offer MBBS at their Sydney campus I heard?
  15. B


    Well, there was a fight there the other day, who was watching? I was walking to the station and decided to grab some KFC and sit on those comfy purple chairs, when all of a sudden these goons started fighting near the main building. Prob a bitch fight between engineers.
  16. B


    What building is the one where those purple chairs are located, in front of the stairs? It's the main entrance, what is that building called?
  17. B

    'good' jobs. not able to find any.

    Studying during the day, and then working till early morning? awh mang, I tried that, and quit the third night. I was so tired by the time I got home after I quit, I slept for 17 hours strait.
  18. B

    House M.D.

    Well, that particular situation seems much better then his current three Doctors just suddenly leaving; the team can't really function without HOUSE though. I remember within a past episode HOUSE had to travel and the team was left to solve a case, they couldn't do it without contacting Greg...
  19. B

    House M.D.

    Well, they seem to be saying the produces want change within the show, and they believe neither, Chase, Cameron or Foreman will be returning in season 4. Such a shame really, and if it's true, HOUSE M.D. the show will die. Dam, episode 24 was good, watch it here people...
  20. B

    House M.D.

    I just finished watching HOUSE M.D. Season 3 no 24 and Cameron, Chase and Foreman all quit. Also, after reading many forums, they will not be coming back in season 4 either. Their gone! The show will now be offically shit without Cameron.