I just think its pathetic that he got UOW and UWS mixed up in the first place, he tried to be this high and mighty smart arse but it backfired and he ended up looking like a tool.
Hehe no everyone makes fun of the shire....theres not gangs and bad ppl and stuff but theres quite a few wannabe wogs n stuff. The reason ppl think its funny is cos its kinda inward and 90% white so its like its own little world. People there like to think they're pretty special...
u get paid according to how much you pick, its not a set amount per hour or per day (and the farmers would be stupid to give you anywhere near 100 a day!)
where in Europe?
Nervousness, I used to throw up before debates when I was younger (like important debates, finals & grand finals, not school level ones!) from the nervousness but was fine when I got out there.
Nah I never cried, although I know of a few people who have cried during exams. I have always been really calm during exams, cept for modern history....I got into my trial and felt like walking out cos I just couldn't do it. I ended up getting an awesome mark and topping the class, but it was a...
When you're working in retail like most young people who have jobs do, there is no difference in pay between someone who has worked there 10 years and someone who has worked there for 2 days (obviously apart from different rates for different ages)
hehe yeah all the shire people ganged up on everyone else, there were rapes, there were girls kicked off, someone yelled man overboard so they had to turn the boat around and stopped dead for 3 hours, several fights etc etc
Nope it doesn't, its a nice way of saying thanks but no thanks. Last year during the xmas/stocktake recruitment they accidently sent that email out to everyone that applied, and about half an hour later we got another one that told us to disregard it, it was a mistake and it 'in no way reflected...