Search results

  1. MoonlightSonata

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    Ah you lucky bastard How'd you manage that?
  2. MoonlightSonata

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    5% of the people might get an HD in a subject, but it wouldn't be 5% HD average overall
  3. MoonlightSonata

    People doing law for the $$$/career prospects

    You'd have to be getting the university medal with an HD average in law, surely
  4. MoonlightSonata

    Howard Caves in - changes to detention

    If you want to be taken seriously I'd suggest being a little more impartial. Just a thought.
  5. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious.
  6. MoonlightSonata

    biggest fresh water fish

    That's actually a good point, how come we can't post images? ...and that is a bloody big fish :eek:
  7. MoonlightSonata

    bf vietnam soundtrack

    From my playlist: 256. Battlefield Vietnam - 01 - The Guess Who - Shaking All Over (1:49) 257. Battlefield Vietnam - 02 - Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law (9:18) 258. Battlefield Vietnam - 03 - Box Tops - The Letter (6:33) 259. Battlefield Vietnam - 04 - Canned Heat - On the Road Again...
  8. MoonlightSonata

    Penis in a Petri dish

    I have suggested "blacklisting", whereby people who are really destroying the forum can be banned from the news/pol area only (not the rest of the site), for a temporary period, say 2-3 months. This could be increased if they really muck up again when they come back.
  9. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    Well the thing is Howard initially said there would not be a GST. But he changed his mind, and made a very public campaign on the basis of a GST. So the Australian people knew that they would get a GST if they voted for him. That was quite clear. Secondly, who's to say the GST is a bad thing...
  10. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    One idiot (if he is an idiot) does not mean they are all idiots. The Libs have their fair share of idiots too, eg. Fred Nile.
  11. MoonlightSonata

    US Ruling threatens file-trading-software makers

    Copyright laws are legitimate ways of protecting manifested ideas, and I believe that people are entitled to have their work protected from others. I think that the law should be very lenient and soft on private users however. Previous laws There is of course, something to be said about...
  12. MoonlightSonata

    Penis in a Petri dish

    12cm... not 12 inches ;)
  13. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    haha quite appropriate
  14. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    I know, Labor needs to work on their 10-second sound bites and come up with some better motifs and punchlines than "eaze the squeeze", which is far too arbitrary and meaningless. At least, no matter how wrong it may be, the basic idea of "Labor is denying you from getting a tax break" is short...
  15. MoonlightSonata

    legal humour

    That site has to be a law student's worse nightmare :(
  16. MoonlightSonata

    Penis in a Petri dish

    lol you make me chuckle
  17. MoonlightSonata

    Labor's Future

    Is Labor becoming redundant? With enduring lack of popularity and a reduced target base, now that the Howard battlers have become the ultimate mass-appeal focus, it seems like Labor is in a crisis and not going anywhere fast. They don't have a senate majority. Their leader is currently and...
  18. MoonlightSonata

    legal humour

    That's really scary
  19. MoonlightSonata

    statutory interpretation questions

    Doesn't 75+ constitute a D for you guys?
  20. MoonlightSonata

    Unis face tough changes: Nelson (Four Corners)

    That sounds disconcertingly ominous...