- musical people everywhere
- same goal-oriented people
- feeling culturally rounded by exploring all aspects of all music everywhere
- sexy technology stuff, sound recording, pro-tools, GRM tools, DVD multimedia stuff
- celebrity-like teachers who have made a name for themselves and...
Phanatical, how are you going to organise
- a shuttle bus from the con to fisher library, which would be impractical considering con students dont lump over to the library?
- an ATM, which seems like an unnecessary luxury compared to the other problems at the con
- more teachers for...
Oh I absolutley love it! The more I see Jon Stewart do his work, the more attractive he seems to be *blushes*
I love this show, my ribs cave in with pain from laughing each time, no question
Islam vs Christianity satire
and this is my favourite that's available on youtube
Gay Marriage
This movie screams out teenage flick that the girls will drag their boy crushes to and end up only seeing 1/3 of it and come out going "yeah it was a good movie lol i like ashanti in it she's a good actor".
I won't see it.
Holy effing crap.
Not only did I get the pre-sales for John Mayer a week before the public got tickets because I'm a psychotic fan..
I get to be around in the same sexy room while John Mayer does his sexy soundcheck on the 3rd of Nov at the Enmore!!
1970s was jimi hendrix-less
Although it might have to be a major thinkover between 60s and 70s. I'll have a better ponder over it for a while longer
*reaffirms Atticusfinch's advice being awesome*
Oh and I totally act cool and aloof in such situations. Even while asking if he's interested. My heart would break but be like "oh that's fine"
Or if I were going to sit back and wait, especially since I'm not head over heels for him, I would...
My piano and my guitar have names but I don't remember them.
I've had them for a while now
They were asshole boy names like Corey, Brent, Michael or something.
But I still give them lovin' :)
I never really had a problem with talking and getting them to think I'm awesome ;) it was always that line of friendship and relationship I always faced..
Talking about how you have a crush on someone (and you don't know what to do) to your actual crush and not letting him know its him.
that merrick and rosso interview is kinda funny
haha with the zoo comment
you could tell john got irritated with that wonderland part, asked him if he wrote for the girls and he;s like "have you heard this album?"... considering he's moved so far away from that now.
And then jessica simpson...
Ah, those numbers.
I'll look on the net for you until someone answers you on bos. I had a friend, really beautiful, smart... she got hit by a bus a few days before the hsc and I remember the teacher updating us with numbers and swelling. I didn't really look into it much because what followed...