Search results

  1. _muse_

    movies or theatre?

    i choose theatre... :D
  2. _muse_

    student teacher relationships

    ugh yukky.. i would never even dream of touching a teacher... let alone THAT!
  3. _muse_

    student teacher relationships

    haha im so oblivious to what happens around me... i fully didnt know this stuff actually occured...
  4. _muse_

    student teacher relationships

    thats.......crazy :P
  5. _muse_

    IP - What's It About?

    im just finding it difficult because i really wann amake movies when i leave school, but to do video drama i need time that i dont have. :( makes me sad. I dont wanna do performance cause everyone does that but i have zero art ability.
  6. _muse_

    ~SMH Sunday 26/9~ 13 yr old boy f*cks 35 yr old teacher

    isnt this like an old story?? and now they're getting married or soemthing? or am i thinking of a completely differnt story all together
  7. _muse_

    student teacher relationships

    youve been with a few teachers??!!
  8. _muse_

    Mates and sex

    a mate? gawd i wouldnt do anything. i love my mates too much... i mean maybe id kiss em but regret it HEAPS later...
  9. _muse_

    what would be awkward?

    6 yrs between me n my boyf... no awkwardness there
  10. _muse_

    Australian Idol 2004

    chanel is starting to get on my nerves... but she has talent... but i think anthony should go.. hes only there cause 13 yr old girls are screaming for him. gah.
  11. _muse_

    the OC

    its on tonight its on tonight its on tonight :) oh and i was one of those stupid people that went in the spoilers thread...
  12. _muse_

    Harold and Kumar

    someone explain to me what its about.. cause if its funny ill go see it :)
  13. _muse_

    THE OC spoilers

    i cant believe i was stupid enough to come in here... damnit now i know whats going to happen.....stupid stupid girl
  14. _muse_


    I write letters, usually only if im going away and im not going to see my bf for over a week or something we write each other letters so we can read them when we're apart. I dunno why i do it i just feel like i can express so much more on paper than i ever could through talking. And if its a...
  15. _muse_

    New bridget Jones movie

    mine was..... the mini-break one i think lol favourite line was the "but if staying here means working within 10 feet of you, id rather have a job wiping sadam husseins arse" lol cracks me up.....
  16. _muse_

    whats this movie?

    i love that movie :D
  17. _muse_

    student teacher relationships

    i am traumatised by that thought
  18. _muse_

    Are we offcially yr12???

    i remember one of the english teachers called our class 'year 12' like 4 weeks ago... and i got really scared. I wanna stay in yr 11...
  19. _muse_

    [B]Which breed are you?

    if u wanna prove ur smarter than them... u better get rid of me then
  20. _muse_

    extension 2's

    i thought they did do 2 unit maths?