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  1. inasero

    Undergrad Medicine Categories (& Purple Monkey Dishwashers)

    quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Lexicographer Some people are obviously not ready to devote their lives to the practice of medicine well obviously you have no chance of becoming a psychiatrist if you're going to...
  2. inasero

    transimission media help required

    AM= Amplitude Modulation...these use lower frequency electromagnetic waves, and the advantage is that it has a significantly longer range and doesnt need a direct line of sight between sender and receiver, although the downside is that the sound quality is crap compared to FM Radio... by the...
  3. inasero

    how many people are sitting 4 the exam

    yep that sounds bout rite~ anyhows from my school, out of 189 people there is a class of 10 people doing engo... i estimate half of us will get in Band 6 with 2 people getting 95-100
  4. inasero

    Extra engineering mechanics help

    u may obtain extra help from me :) feel free to mobile me (pm for number) or post ur question on the forum and ill see what i can do~
  5. inasero


    no tieki stop confusing ppl...i will clarify it for you survivor 1 Pascal=1 Newton spread over an area of 1 metre squared 1 Megapascal=1 million Newtons/1 square metre =1 Newton/1 square millimetre =1000 kN/1 square metre again, I recommend...
  6. inasero

    Unsw Med First Round Interviews!!

    hey wenhui make that4!! ha Im so happy!! I got the interview cause they increased the quota of interviewees..check it out~ Dear Applicant The Faculty of Medicine is pleased to offer you an interview in theselection process for Medicine at UNSW in 2004. We have been able...
  7. inasero

    USYD Summer School

    must be that time of month again eh ;)
  8. inasero

    transimission media help required

    whats CSHS? counter strike high school? muahahah lokl sorry l4me j0k3 u answer my question ill answer yours
  9. inasero

    BE/Biomedical engineering

    it is, from what i can gather from the subject list....a random assortment of other engineering streams eg chemical, computer, mechanical, electrical with an added emphasis on how these relate to biological applications... i personally want to do it at usyd cos they offer other combined...
  10. inasero

    Unsw Med First Round Interviews!!

    the email says that offers will be posted out on monday/tuesday does that mean that we're supposed to receive them now or in a few days time from now?
  11. inasero

    Engineering: UNSW or USYD?

    n well depends really on what stream of engo u wanna do for your aeronautical/aerospace then i would say that usyd is better cos it has links with northern hemisphere unis and corporations, whereas unsw does not....otherwise i agree with the general sentiments that UNSW is better
  12. inasero

    Engineering ever posts in here!!!

    kevin ang- he r0x my s0x :)
  13. inasero

    Engineering ever posts in here!!!

    yes i go to sydney boys' high.......... by the way would someone care to post up the CSSA trial here? ta~
  14. inasero

    Engineering ever posts in here!!!

    hmmm..not really....the guy who always tops it got 85/90 raw....which is 94%- i wouldnt be surprised if he tops the state and then I came second with 78/90 (=87%). Third was 72/90 (=80%) what dya think now tieki :) :edit: SBHS poops on all of you :)
  15. inasero

    thoughts after open days at usyd/uts

    i like sydney uni......even tho they ARE povvo....but thats only because all the money these days is being sent over to their new campus at orange
  16. inasero

    its school = james ruse, worst = Joeys and NSGH as voted by you!

    ok so will u, toods, either confirm or deny my suspicions stead of being so sarcastic about it?
  17. inasero

    Engineering what???!

    haha i think i posted this b4 but yeah i see what u can be hard sometimes especially with the shift towards qualitative aswers stead of quantitative across the board.... my engo teacher calls it garbage, cos you can come up with airy fairy answers and get marks for it... and...
  18. inasero

    Forensic Science

    there are actually two forensic science courses offered.... 1) Bachelor of Applied Chemistry (Honours) in Forensic Chemistry 2)Bachelor of Biomedical Science in Forensic Biology From what I heard from Professor Roux at the Gifted and Talented students progrmme at UNSW, the job opputunities...
  19. inasero

    Graduate Medicine at Sydney university

    yes your words speak wisdom...but then again gamsat could be a real bummer
  20. inasero

    What Are You Reading?

    one weird book i have read is "zen and the art of shooting".....and i think theres plenty of spiritual mumbo jumbo in i mean, how are you supposed to "become one" with your bow?! but atm i am reading "the chronicles of narnia", by C.S.Lewis. Helps to have a knowledge of...