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  1. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Wait is that some kind of sign your @ Cerdon too? Oh look at all my new found Cerdon buddies EDIT: wait ur male... my bad
  2. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Cerdon?! Seriously?! You are in yr 10 right?!
  3. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    I'll call u Cici then! Hmmmm *scratches head* what could that be short for??? Gr8 2 c you here :D Oh and 2 get a pic under your name... Select 'User CP' up the top of the page and then select 'Edit Avatar'
  4. yvettemaree47

    Topics to be tested in Australian History & Geography SC

    From what I've heard it's both yr 9 and 10... but I could be wrong
  5. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Hey!!! My goal is to study Medicine or Med Science as well :)
  6. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    :( That wasn't the answer I was been looking for... oh well It was a good move from your school to have your supervisors at your half-yearlies... I guess it eases the anxiety a little, having met them before. We probably won't meet ours until the SC exams start. Fingers crossed they're not...
  7. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Damn you've caught me! :p Yeah I ordered it on dvd from the US when it came out there, but I told myself I'm gonna watch it on the TV for the full experience! Do u know how hard it is to resist such a tempting dvd for around 4 months?! Don't tell me anything about what happens cause I have...
  8. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    :eek: And I thought our science dept. was horrid! Third science teacher this year!!! Couldn't speak English!!! I don't know how u put up with it! I couldn't stand science last year, probably because my teacher would walk in, put an overhead up and instruct us to copy it out... every...
  9. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Hey! OMG u watch <O>:) I can't believe there are only 6 episodes left ever :uhoh: It's Gr8 to meet you fellow Rambaldi follower
  10. yvettemaree47

    How's it goin?

    Hey, I've decided the Year 10 forum is WAY too serious, thus I have created this thread! :) Feel free to post whatever you want... introduce yourself, complain about teachers, talk about your hobbies... whatever you please. Afterall we are going to be seeing a lot more of each other on here...
  11. yvettemaree47

    best tv show of all time?

    Nope. I'm sorry, I've gotta say... ^^ That is by far the BEST show EVER!!! :)
  12. yvettemaree47

    What did you choose for your HSC subjects?

    I'm so happy!:) I found out 2day that the subjects i chose all fit in the lines, with no clashes... which i really lucky considering around 80% of my grade had subject clashes My subjects are: Studies of Religion- 1unit Maths Adv. English Chemistry Biology Ancient History Geography
  13. yvettemaree47

    chem or bio??

    We have already had our subject selection and I couldn't choose between them either... so I took both:) At the moment I think I'll probably end up liking chemistry more because from what I've heard from by science teacher bio is a lot about plants in yr 11 (I'd rather more human biology) But I...
  14. yvettemaree47

    Subject selection and UAI?

    Thanks that helps a lot! :)
  15. yvettemaree47

    Subject selection and UAI?

    I was wondering if there is any way of predicting what the range of my UAI will be if I take... Advanced English Studies of Religion -1U Chemistry Biology Modern History Ancient History Mathematics - 2U When I get into year 12, I will probably drop Ancient and pick up extension...
  16. yvettemaree47


    I did a quick google search and the host response seems to be the reaction of the person's body to that particular disease, e.g. organ failure, death, etc.