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  1. ur_inner_child

    The I LOVE THE NOTEBOOK thread

    once again downloaded it onto me ipod i did plus the screen test <3
  2. ur_inner_child

    have you had a threesome?

    OH WAIT I had the opportunity to ages ago. She asked me through a message. I totally ignored it and ever since then a word hasnt be uttered about it and we've continued to be friends. So I got a little shocked. So I have a boyfriend that isnt keen on having both a guy and a girl sex me plus...
  3. ur_inner_child

    have you had a threesome?

    Well my friend has, she met a couple through me and kinda found them both severely attractive. I slipped up and the couple were pretty excited about it. They had a fling, they both told me about it. They had fun and also concluded it was best not to see each other again. My feelings on it at...
  4. ur_inner_child

    Homosexuality in Australia

    As A Thread Participant I say: [/font][/size] Well clearly I hadn't said so, considering most of my post was constructed according to your theory about homosexuality as an influence. [/font][/size] That's a bit rough, considering you have no idea about my life. Well no. I feel dirty...
  5. ur_inner_child

    Chinese girls the hottest outa all asians?

    Aw I dunno collin... both of those worlds <3 me. *ends big ego comment*
  6. ur_inner_child

    Homosexuality in Australia

    The way in which parents live out their lives is none of the children's concern nor should it really influence them. I think I raised this a while ago, but again, if I found out my mother was a prostitute, I would be alarmed and shocked, and would probably encourage her to change her career...
  7. ur_inner_child

    who have you seen?

    Dragged to Dungeon Augie March Gone to John Mayer Sydney Symphony Orchestra x 10293810298310293019283 Mate's gigs Marlow x 120381293 Fixation I don't normally go to see bands, mainly cuz of cash, and previously strict parents.
  8. ur_inner_child

    Med students with UAI <99.7..still hope.

    Calm down everyone Focus on the thread-starter's topic. If you have a problem with any member, use the Report Bad Post button (located on the bottom left of the user's post or use the Contact Moderators Forum by starting a thread and linking to the problem. No you do not have the right...
  9. ur_inner_child

    Do U Really Have A Social Life???!!

    You font really hurts my eyes, particularly the colour. Anyway, no I don't think so. msn, emailing, the phone etc, are more often than not how I find out about certain parties, events etc. if anything, it's made socialising a lot easier - to organise and distribute knowledge about one another...
  10. ur_inner_child

    Fuck buddy etiquette

    So its agreed yes to kissing fuck buddies.
  11. ur_inner_child

    The Sims 2

    Something's wrong with my sims 2. Like it works and everything. I can play every family except one family. They were having a birthday party and then everything freezed. Not as in computer freeze but motion freeze; Sims can't move, but everything else can... the background eg the sims...
  12. ur_inner_child

    The Sims 2

    Thanx transcendent I think I can wait for Sept, I <3 pets in the first one...soooo :)
  13. ur_inner_child

    Superman Returns

    I had fun If you go with an idea of what a general superman plot would be like, you'll enjoy it. Don't go expecting academy award material, its just fun.
  14. ur_inner_child

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Again, the confidence of using the influence of a commercial towards people as basis to equate the influence of a parent towards a child is alarming. Aren't you drawing from a really simplistic idea? Surely family dynamics are much more complex if not absolutely different?
  15. ur_inner_child

    Save sex?

    I may have confused the two as I wrote it out. But when I clearly think about it, well of course I know the difference, but at the time of the post, internally I hadn't made a true opinion of it. But gathering all my ideas about the world as of now, yes, I do not believe there is absolute...
  16. ur_inner_child

    Does God exist?

    I studied a bit on Islam around the time it started to get hyped up in the media. I studied with no intention to believe it, I just wanted to know, and not just believe the media. Also, I had a friend who was muslim, and she meant a great deal to me. Often I would consult her so that I would...
  17. ur_inner_child

    Save sex?

    I find your idea of absolute morality interesting. That it apparently *does exist* I semi-agree on that, just hesitant on the wording. Although things like "thou shall not kill" seems like absolute morality, but then you always hit grey areas, such as in defense of your family, your country...
  18. ur_inner_child

    The Sims 2

    Yes Riviet, its a blast. It got me hard all weirded out to get used to, but I was dazzled nevertheless. And its so.... so real. *giggles* So I think I might buy an expansion pack really soon. I don't think I'd want to go all out and get everything. I'm assuming Nightlife seems to be the...
  19. ur_inner_child

    Homosexuality in Australia

    The only influence I can see a child having from their gay parents is that they would most likely be more tolerant of homosexuality. This does not necessarily mean that they would become homosexual themselves, considering the cause of homosexuality is still foggy and unknown. Scientists are...