I think Rayanz is just sour with his HSC marks.
And where did this 3000 figure come from? The chances of a mistake having been made in the adding up of marks are slim to none.
You also don't seem to understand the concept of clerical reacheck. They add up marks again. No remarking is done.
Umm darling, I just did it, I think I know what Im talking about. Internal assessment in this course works just like it does in every other course. It is used only to determine rankings and the relative difference between everyone in your class. When in come to marks, you get YOUR mark for the...
How can you expect to get a good grounding in the science if you don't know the foundations of that science? Its like getting the answer to a question in maths and not caring about the working that got you there.
I did shit in this 36/50, considering having it rechecked, cos I did so much better throughout the year, but meh, its not concerning me too much. I did Crime Fiction.
So post ur marks & what u studied, and whether you were happy or not.
Just a tip: try and kill your internals and get ranked first cos let me tell you, if someone in your class writes a kickass major work, you get the marks....take it from someone who has reaped the benefits ;)
The best one to do at the moment would be the gang rape case in which Judge Michael Finnane gave Bilal Skaf and his brother 55 years. It was highly controversial and has led to significant change in the way sentencing is viewed. But Im guessing a lot of ppl in ur class will be doing this cos it...
Thankyou spin spin, someone had to say it.
Everyone who was in the paper under the English Extension 2 heading (for top of the state). I think there were about 10-15.
Yep Im 18.
I did 42 hours last week (how come you did so few hours?) and got bout $450.
$11.37 is the casual award for 18 year olds negotiated by the union and Kmart.
All I can think is you did a Sunday and Boxing Day (time and a half)?
I was ecstatic, cos I literally started it the week before it was due and was just resigned to the fact it was my 11th unit. The markers certainly saw something in it that I didn't!
I go to a school where disabled kids are intergrated into normal classes but also have their own unit to do some studies. Whilst disabled people are free to sit any course in the HSC just like everyone else (you are not barred from doing any exams just cos you have a mental illness), but as Ash...