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  1. cyrax83

    School Holidays is nearly finished whos excited to go back ?

    you miss chillin with your old friendz. everything else you couldn't give a crap about
  2. cyrax83

    AVI->SVCD Conversion

    this is a little unrelated but if anyone needs some help with converting to divx ask me, i used to do it a while ago, not anymore but i still know the process.
  3. cyrax83

    FTO or SUPRA?

    i cant believe you think a fto looks better than a supra dingo, you got wacked taste :rolleyes: supra kicks the fto's ass in basically every aspect. the ladies love the supra too. just dont bother dragging if you get a fto :p
  4. cyrax83

    FTO or SUPRA?

    if you've got a couple of hundred K to burn :rolleyes:
  5. cyrax83

    music: what does everyoneone listen to

    i feel so out of place here so i wont say anything about music :p
  6. cyrax83

    Kill Bill vol 2

    dying to see number 2 after i just saw number one like last night
  7. cyrax83

    Kill Bill

    a kiddie movie ? no way, the chapter things where there to break up the movie, as it was kind of out of order in the beginning added alot more style too, tarintino style. i thought number 1 was awesome. yet too see number 2 as opposte to matrix reloaded, the 1000 man fight this time...
  8. cyrax83

    FTO or SUPRA?

    yep, supra all the way :D
  9. cyrax83

    FTO or SUPRA?

    supra looks alot better and has better looking body kits no doubt (veilside ofcourse). although you can get emn on fto's, personal preference for me it looks alot better on supra's. FTO is a 6 cylinder petrol injected 2L Supra is a 6 cylinder petrol injected 3L if your not getting a...
  10. cyrax83

    MSN Messenger 6.2 Released

    people who click next at a hundred miles an hour
  11. cyrax83


    *thinks back to year 10* :rolleyes:
  12. cyrax83

    so what do you think about uni?

    Initial D is a rip off money wise, stick to daytona.
  13. cyrax83

    Back to uni already :(

    got bored did we ? :p
  14. cyrax83

    do you have to remind your employer to change your rate of pay after yr birthday?

    which is exactly the reason why you should never work for family members
  15. cyrax83

    whats going on?

    not all courses go up, it depends on demand. Just look at most IT courses
  16. cyrax83

    Video Ezy

    lol i wouldn't bother
  17. cyrax83

    Official Charmed Discussion

    why are they showing repeats from 10 years ago :mad1:
  18. cyrax83

    Parties lacking good chicks and rnb

    USYD too snobby ?
  19. cyrax83

    Software Eng's or Comp Sci's or Any comp course !

    dont comp sci ppl have to also do math 1B ?
  20. cyrax83

    Software Eng's or Comp Sci's or Any comp course !

    i'm doing math 1131 (1A) and discrete math 1081, and comp 1011. comp 1011 isn't too bad, i'm just fed up with all this maths. and then i've got finite next semester (implying i pass discrete which i probably wont). I was looking at what courses i could transfer into mid-semester and it seems...