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  1. cyrax83

    Tutes - compulsory?

    student B, he's obviously smarter :D
  2. cyrax83

    Missy Elliot tour

    missy isn't that good anyway, not worth those prices anyway
  3. cyrax83

    help with integration

    *tries to do it but has completely forgotton how to integrate*
  4. cyrax83

    saddest songs ever?

    i can honestly say i have not heard of any of those.
  5. cyrax83


    you do seng though :confused:
  6. cyrax83

    Hand Cramps

    wait till after year 12, you'll have a permanent pen indent mark on your finger lol
  7. cyrax83

    can the school do that??!??!??!

    it wouldn't matter really because the whole of the year would be under the same conditions and the same exam congestion so it would kind of even itself out rank wise
  8. cyrax83

    3 unit is 2 hard :(

    lol well the scaling is nice :) i know i failed my hsc extension 1 exam (i had no clue about ext 1), must've got about 22/50 (literally) and i got scaled up to mid 30's, my internal mark was just mid 20's so it was a surprise
  9. cyrax83

    3 unit is 2 hard :(

    its a waste of time. :D lol i probably shouldn't tell you but it is. if you don't understand it, your not going to get it, it gets alot harder and bullshittier in year 12 then year 11. Homework takes ages and 3unit is basically what you'll spend all your time on, and it's not worth the effort...
  10. cyrax83

    Consider this -- Is all you need a degree?

    who gives a shit :rolleyes:
  11. cyrax83

    Writing Faster?

    maybe he's trying to be old school
  12. cyrax83

    You comp students

  13. cyrax83

    You comp students

    anyone here know how to get GHCI working in Xemacs ? (Windows XP). I've seen my lecturer have it working in linux, but the compile button wont work in Xemacs on Winxp. i've got both programs working seperately.
  14. cyrax83

    Consider this -- Is all you need a degree?

    i've heard some employers dont even look at some resume's if they are not from a particular uni. (i.e. the prestigious ones). :confused:
  15. cyrax83


    i got 15 % for one of my tests and failed a couple of others and i managed to fluke a uai in the 90's. its not the be all and end all and in the end it is a very small part of your mark. get over it and do better next time. simple
  16. cyrax83

    math 1081 discrete

    omg everyones a nerd here :(
  17. cyrax83

    beating the system

    they are wasting a year
  18. cyrax83

    Asian cinema

  19. cyrax83


    lol err .. wise words but i hate to break it to you, the hsc is a load of shit
  20. cyrax83


    lol i would love to see your expression if you got 15 % *recalls his own expression* you get over it. dont worry about it, do better in the next one