Search results

  1. _muse_

    Extension courses for year 12? And what are you dropping?

    I'm not dropping anything, but i was going to i would drop retail.. but that would mean cancelling a contract i have with my current employment and all this other crap.. so im just gonna keep it.. even if it scales down badly...
  2. _muse_

    Cars and Sex Poll

    female, manual... id get WAY to bored with auto
  3. _muse_

    Wheel of Fortune

    god damn.. i missed it 2 days in a row.. thats pretty pathetic on my behalf
  4. _muse_

    Do You Like The '24' Series

    too lazy :)
  5. _muse_

    Weirdest Cd you have

    angie stone.. shes a weird one that girl... and i have a pile up to about my waist of the old abandoned teeny cds i used to listen too.. bsb, 5ive etc. ahh those were the days
  6. _muse_

    Deal or No Deal???

    yeah its ok for a afternoon game show... the bloody host pisses me off though... but i like seeing whether the bank offers are good or not :)
  7. _muse_

    What teachers deserve?

    ok, my opinion might be pretty bias considering both my parents are teachers, but for all the shit they have to cop from us losers who decide to play up.. i reckon they deserve a bloody pay rise. perhaps maybe... 99%?? haha nah just kidding.. the 25 their going for would be excellent.
  8. _muse_

    decent read?

    hmmm i reccomend to kill a mockingbird.. my god i love that book, but hey im weird... there is an autobiography or biography or something of the sort called 'my story' its three books in one 'the boy called it' and so forth, its about a guy who was the 3rd worst case of child abuse in the usa...
  9. _muse_

    First They Killed My Father

    OMG! i have read this book! it made me cry, i have no idea how that poor girl survived all that. She shows true inner strength, that has to be something i admire in her.
  10. _muse_


    i.......HATE........millsy.......*die die die*
  11. _muse_

    Do You Like The '24' Series

    omg, i used to love 24 until 7 moved it to 10:30, now i can't watch it because im too tired :(
  12. _muse_

    hi guys i'm back - David Copperfield

    i havent actually read it, but was wondering whether it was a decent read? i'm interested in hearing your thoughts on it...
  13. _muse_

    Average Jane! what the! LOL

    maybe the girls will all secretly be men.. throw a bit of miriam into the mix
  14. _muse_

    What's everyone's top 10 favourite albums?

    no particular order 1. muse-absolution (god bless these guys) 2. black eyed peas- elephunk 3. new found glory- sticks and stones 4. 1200 techniques- consistency theory 5. superheist- the prize recruit 6. coldplay- rush of blood to the head 7. Jack Johnson- Brushfire fairytales 8. Jet-...
  15. _muse_

    sarah mclachlan

    *sobs* i love her! she makes me cry with some her songs, but then again i'm pathetic. I love adia.. i have a silent obsession for that song :)
  16. _muse_

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    my sharona :)
  17. _muse_

    English Adv. justice?

    nope, we started off with poetry, then moved on to pride and prejudice and bridget jones and now we're studying macbeth
  18. _muse_

    Is anyone doing Anything other than Frankenstein in prelim ext eng?

    in first term we did a critical study of 'the great gatsby' this term we're doing a critical study of 'snow falling of cedars' from a romance genre perspective and next term we're concentrating on our individual projects we're we have to study a film/book and it's appropriation
  19. _muse_


    I played netball for 12 years and absolutely loved it, i played WA and would never miss a game. But now i had to give it up because my stupid work won't give me saturday's off. I hate them so much. The umpires where i play (hunter valley) are shit arse. Talk about bias. if they had a friend in...
  20. _muse_

    What Science Project Did You Do In Year 9?

    I did: The Decomposition of Apples.. haha what a laugh I got 8 apples, put them in plastic boxes, buried 2 underground, put 2 in the fridge, 2 at room temperature, and 2 outside uncovered....They were very smelly by the end of the experiment.. but i was happy 48/50 :-)