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  1. ur_inner_child

    5 people you'll invite for dinner

    Jesus Mohammad Buddha Zeus John Mayer. John Mayer is for my own purposes...
  2. ur_inner_child

    Most Beautiful Women

    I don't see it :(
  3. ur_inner_child

    Assessments Vs. HSC

    School Assessment Marks = 50% of your HSC Exam HSC Marks (including any majorworks) = 50% of your HSC depending on what you mean by "make up for them", I suppose so :)
  4. ur_inner_child

    Most Beautiful Women

    the pic youve quoted are both mariah carey but in different parts of her music career the ones you didnt quote that I had posted were adriana lima. I absolutely adore her...
  5. ur_inner_child

    Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion.

    I still stand by the request for an actual citation of the source. I also would like to pose how "detrimental" it would be if someone enforced that sex before marriage was wrong, and homosexuality is wrong. Actually I might abstain from this thread altogether. You have raised far too many...
  6. ur_inner_child

    Most Beautiful Women

    too bad mariah doesnt look as natural as you have her in that pic anymore Otherwise, all approve :) Though, my choice? Guess who...
  7. ur_inner_child

    Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion.

    You cannot make such a conclusion based on yes or no answers. Those that justified their answer stating yes said it was because it would pose safer usage. That has an element of "care" doesn't it? About those who choose to go down the path do it safely...... As for the "source" you're...
  8. ur_inner_child

    Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion.

    What kind of conclusion is that? It really erks me that you say we "don't care". Far from, if anything. Seriously, brain explosion. I'm severely insulted that you even considered agnostics or atheists lack moral values.
  9. ur_inner_child


    they don't last. The material dies. Unless you spend $25+ at valleygirl or ses... or just got lucky. <3 this Review dress I bought for $199.95 yesterday (finally)
  10. ur_inner_child

    Top 10 Ways to Ruin a Classical Music!

    I went to see Gustav Holst "The Planets" at the Opera House last friday (9th June). Between each movement, everyone who had been holding in a cough would cough and die. It seems average, but that night, goddamn. This beautiful music and then a whole crowd just dying in coughs. It was flemmy...
  11. ur_inner_child

    prac vs theory

    I'm assuming when you say prac you mean performance. With performing you need to understand stylistically what you are trying to do - takes a bit of theory there. Depending on school to school your assessments will vary - ie you may need to give a presentation about the style, or a critical...
  12. ur_inner_child

    Rock Sucks - alternative??

    Funnily enough, I agree with you on a lot of points Although I slip into phases here and there about the quality of music. As for loving every type of musical style and all musicians, no way can I do that with 50 cent and anyone else that share similarities. lol. A piece you wrote for...
  13. ur_inner_child

    Do your parents approve?

    Well in honest truth no. I moved away from home twice. I'm still on my second one, and there is no possible way for me to come home. Anyway the first time I left home was because I wanted to choose my HSC subjects, and not have them choose them for me. I also wanted them to accept Chris...
  14. ur_inner_child

    help with music

    if you have a dig around, oh my gosh has been remixed twenty million times, im sure there is one without words...
  15. ur_inner_child

    Do your parents approve?

    hell no chris buys presents for them, learns a bit of Chinese, talks crap like biased-china-hugging-politics at the dinner table, tells them uber amazing future ambitions, treats me like a princess in front of them, washes the dishes, etc. Prior to that I wasnt even allowed to know boys but...
  16. ur_inner_child

    signed out

    I cant think of anything other than the fact that when you sign in on BoS' main page ie To access resources, SAM and other wonderful things but you have to sign in again as a participant of the forum in this page
  17. ur_inner_child

    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    *drools* *cannot frikin wait*
  18. ur_inner_child

    the John Mayer thread (merged)

    *weak at the knees*
  19. ur_inner_child

    the John Mayer thread (merged)

    And that competition to see JM3 which is exclusively for america? *sigh* I wish I lived in mayer-friendly places. I've seen myspaces where people show all the times theyve met up with John backstage. Lucky bastards. Continuum anticipation to the max. I'm sorry I don;t make sense, I just...