Search results

  1. ur_inner_child

    Graduates 'lacking job skills'

    seriously, those who don't work at all during uni should be worried... its not hard to get a decent part time job during uni. Sure it means you weekend might be precious now, or that you may have to do some reading during a work lunchbreak, but its honestly not that hard there are a lot...
  2. ur_inner_child

    Like it quiet in the bedroom?

    you're telling me like you feel forced to. you don't have to SAY anything.... if that's what you're getting at. If you're actually feeling pleasure, a few moans here and there usually can't be helped. if you're quiet, then just stick with it. You should just end up with heavy breathing...
  3. ur_inner_child

    Relationships & HSC

    Re: do u think a relationship will interfere with you hsc? you have to analyse yourself - whether you're easily distracted, your organisation skills etc i had a boyfriend that whole year... but when i think about it now in perspective, if I could trade boyfriend for a higher uai, there's no...
  4. ur_inner_child

    So, who else here has picked up a woman who can't speak english?

    im working with a short film director who cant speak english. the only words i understood and got out of him after 30 minutes of trying to figure out what music he wanted was "sexy" and "love". Be funny if he wasnt actually talking about the music he wanted for his film. But I purely know...
  5. ur_inner_child

    Muslim People in Australia

    I don't think you've actually considered the context of his post, and thus misinterpreted his intent completely incorrectly.
  6. ur_inner_child

    Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State) Was At My Uni Today

    he wants to be dictator i can quote him if you like whether he really really meant that he wanted to be dictator im uncertain, since the post with that in it was of serious issues EDIT: the hall that rice ended up going into is owned by the government. The area outside it where...
  7. ur_inner_child

    songs that are resistant to overkill.

    push up - freestylers i went hypo each and every time
  8. ur_inner_child

    'It' is coming!

    hello jumb...
  9. ur_inner_child

    Interview rejection

    when you troll, right, the key is actual humor....
  10. ur_inner_child

    Who Know Parth?

    sense make no english none
  11. ur_inner_child

    Muslim People in Australia

    It's part of human nature to hate. If I saw the same person kill each and every one of my loved ones and I had no one left, you cannot expect me to NOT hate this person. It does not necessarily equate to other deeds such as revenge, but hate can be passive, if that was going to be your...
  12. ur_inner_child

    Condoleezza Rice (US Secretary of State) Was At My Uni Today Anyway, my experience... they closed off essential areas of my uni, had sniffer dogs everywhere in the corridors, closed off every exit except one, implanted metal detectors at the front of my uni, demanded that from 11-3pm people to be...
  13. ur_inner_child

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    oh! then my mind has changed.
  14. ur_inner_child

    Immigrants and the Australian Identity

    in answer to the question, yes. even though the following doesnt account to being "more" australian, I'll say them anyway I was born here. I speak english fluently and eloquently. I embrace the majority of Australian/Western values. In saying this, I never forget my ancestorial roots and do...
  15. ur_inner_child

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    my personal opinion, and im really open to change it because im not exactly passionate on the matter. i support the death penalty when it comes to crimes that have been proven extensively that there is no coming back to social norm. For example, serial killers, serial pedophiles, and I'm a...
  16. ur_inner_child

    Best time of job opportunities?

    The best best best time is around September, where most retail/hospitality and other related jobs look toward Christmas and stock up on employees. Although you never know. i was offered a temporary role for HMV the head office. part of the bonus were two aria tickets. That was offered in...
  17. ur_inner_child

    Muslim People in Australia

    i just watched "in search for the afghan girl" ie a national geographic doco on finding this girl awesome documentary. anyway there was a bit where they needed to talk to the woman but the husband was at work so no one could see her or speak to her etc unless her husband permitted...
  18. ur_inner_child

    do you feel you have ever been treatred differently based on your religious beliefs?

    yes. me: will you stop sending me shit to prove that God exists? I'm agnostic, you've got the wrong fucking idea dude: I'm not going to stop. I care about you too much to let you go to hell another true scenario dude: you moved out of home? me: yes dude: and your parents...
  19. ur_inner_child

    darker or lighter?

    actually adriana has light eyes. green i feel god she gets me frisky