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  1. MiuMiu


    Just a quick q bout accomodation at the they make you leave during the holidays? Cos this will cause problems for employment, employers generally don't like you taking 3 weeks off (and usuallu longer for uni hols)
  2. MiuMiu


    Its more luck than anything getting into a college. Don't worry too much if you don't get in, on the website they have a heap of advertisements for people wanting roomates (sometime they want one person to join a house of 4 already) with rent ranging from $50-100 p/w (obviously bills and food...
  3. MiuMiu

    school texts

    Yeah we did that in extension English for The Real Inspector was so much fun! It didn't take effort and sound really crap like reading outloud other plays, we really got into and the acting came naturally!
  4. MiuMiu

    The Joy of Burning Legal notes

    Im doing law, but I can't see me needing my HSC textbooks... Law is nothing like legal.
  5. MiuMiu

    each section of crime on a new page??

    Nah I think you were meant to start each question on a new page, cos different people mark them and they have it ready on the right page when someone marks a certain question. But you won't be penalised so don't worry...
  6. MiuMiu

    Windshuttle query

    I never thought that Windschuttle was a post-modernist In my Warren textbook they call him a modernist and so that is what I am sticking to. He believes that you can indeed uncover a 'true' history, and that post-modernists neglect hard research.
  7. MiuMiu

    Our Whole Class Is Gettin Misadventure

    First of all, in case you haven't noticed, I don't get offended by being the subject of such classless language--so you can swear all you like, it only cheapens my view of you. As for Lexicographers argument, it was WRONG. You can't escape that. I was correcting the falsities and giving back as...
  8. MiuMiu

    Our Whole Class Is Gettin Misadventure

    I would really like to know what this said....
  9. MiuMiu


    Hehe my English teacher was like that, she'd ask you a question about a text in class or something and then answer it herself! Bless her though shes gorgeous...
  10. MiuMiu

    Vote for books (thread #2...oops!)

    Give it till Thursday. But you could start reading clockwork before then cos I think we can definitely say that it will be one of them...
  11. MiuMiu

    school texts

    Nope I didn't do that I did Hound in extension (also by Stoppard). I am looking forward to reading Rosencrantz too...
  12. MiuMiu

    EAS: ripping off the system?

    I am eligible for it cos of chronic migraine--but I didn't feel it has effected my education so I didn't bother. To me it would have been like rorting the system as evejac said.
  13. MiuMiu

    Reading List

    Yeah I always meant to go and see the movie, but never got around to it. Might rent it this week after exam actually....
  14. MiuMiu

    Vote for books (thread #2...oops!)

    We choose three texts over a period of 5 weeks, and discuss our thoughts on them after we've read them. Then it starts all over again.
  15. MiuMiu

    school texts

    Hehe I read like the first chapter of Snow, and then got bored with it and never went back to it, yet I wrote bout it in detail for my exam! I really liked Animal Farm and Pride & Prejudice when we did them in Yr 11, Much Ado about Nothing in prelim Adv was pretty good too. This year Stoppard...
  16. MiuMiu


    Well I was used to the stage thing cos all of our speeches are done in the theatrette (its a little stage area at the bottom of tiered seating, used mostly for drama), and the lights are just the ones used to light the stage but they shine in your eyes like nothing else, a bit off-putting when...
  17. MiuMiu

    does anyone here go to plc sydney??

    Theres a girl on here called Vanessa that goes to PLC Sydney
  18. MiuMiu

    Vote for books (thread #2...oops!)

    We'll make the official start Saturday cos some ppl have exams till Friday, but we can start before then, I'll probably start on Thursday, it will definitely be Clockwork. 1984 and probably Persuasion.
  19. MiuMiu

    Reading List

    Hehe I wouldn't be admitting this!
  20. MiuMiu


    Hehe it wasn't as bad as it sounds, I just think it was a bit over the top having all those staff members and an audience.