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  1. Erudite

    Prelim 2015 Chit Chat Thread

    Anyone else prepping for the start of HSC in the coming holidays? Like writing notes in advance etc.
  2. Erudite

    Prelim 2015 Chit Chat Thread

    How is everyone's exams going?
  3. Erudite

    Hi I am Bob

    You can do anything you set your mind to it Bob. Now go grab one of those 99.95 atar's before they're all gone.
  4. Erudite

    Soo, update on that $80/hr Math Tutor.

    80 an hour no matter what they're tutoring is an absolute ripoff....
  5. Erudite

    Need a study buddy for start of yr 12 next term

    OP, what are your subjects anyway?
  6. Erudite

    Need a study buddy for start of yr 12 next term

    Oh okay lol... Just wanted to clarify.
  7. Erudite

    Prelim 2015 Chit Chat Thread

    Went to Supernova about two years ago and can confirm its full of fat white guys with everything being super overpriced. Prepare your wallet lol. Saw Christopher Lloyd and got his autograph so it was worth it.:smile:
  8. Erudite

    Need a study buddy for start of yr 12 next term

    So how exactly does this study buddy thing work over the internet?
  9. Erudite

    Hearthstone thread

    I agree that hearthstone is kinda P2W unless your willing to grind gold for months its hard to compete if you're new. Even with trumps F2P decks with all the new cards that recently came out they have kinda become less effective....
  10. Erudite

    Hearthstone thread

    Everyone! Get in here!
  11. Erudite

    Tony Abbott

    Hopeless.... Definitely not going to be re-elected....