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  1. b0b101

    Does anyone think that the Bachelor of Philosophy degree is worth it???

    The ANU one is really really really good, I don't know much about the UWA one but at ANU the admin and professors treat you like royalty. As far as employment goes, PhB is really meant for eventually going and doing a PhD. However some places (I know google is one) understand what it is and...
  2. b0b101

    LLM at ANU or USYD?

    ANU definitely. Canberra is Australia's diplomatic and political sector, and ANU professors work tightly with the government as well as with overseas institutions. Combine that with the fact that their School of Politics, International Relations and School and School of Law are arguably their...
  3. b0b101

    Can I still make it?

    Strongly Doubt it tbh, Do arts for a year and aim for a D/HD average then try to transfer
  4. b0b101

    How to calculate inflation?

    First calculate the unit price of each product for each year. Then add them up for each year so you have 1 value for each year. Then compare the eachs years value to each other [ie: (year2/year 1) * 100.]
  5. b0b101

    Investment Banking

    You do realise that Investment Banking is a temporary (2 years basically) job for most of its graduates (which all take analyst roles after completing an undergraduate degree, associate for post grad)? Most people use it as a launch pad for Hedge Funds and Private equity (No necessarily in Aus...
  6. b0b101

    Workshop (19th of March): Writing an effective cover letter and resume

    I went to a similar event run by Trebla last year, I really recommend it. It really buffed up and changed how I view and write my CV.
  7. b0b101

    Do you regret going/not going to Uni ?

    That sounds interesting where at?
  8. b0b101

    USYD Comp Science or UTS IT

    Other than actual job experience in your degree? Not much tbh, very different industry at the end of the day...
  9. b0b101

    USYD Comp Science or UTS IT

    True, but their software engineering is a specialisation of information and communication technologies engineering, which is really a mix of wireless and electrical engineering with like 2 software courses..
  10. b0b101

    USYD Comp Science or UTS IT

    shhhh its "pseudocode"
  11. b0b101

    USYD Comp Science or UTS IT

    UTS doesn't even offer computer science, just I.T or a meh software engineering degree...
  12. b0b101

    Best Place to study Actuarial Science?

    Firstly, It doesn't matter where you go to study actuarial science because of the standards held by the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. If you are keen on moving out I'd go for ANU just because the living costs would be less compared to the unis in Sydney. As far as lecturers go I can't...
  13. b0b101

    USyd BCST vs UTS BScIT

    Usyd I.T =! Comp Sci end of story
  14. b0b101

    Universities to blame for the maths crisis among high school students

    Here's the sydney article: Sydney University takes a stand on math The University of Sydney will lead the attack on declining standards and falling enrolments in maths by...
  15. b0b101

    Universities to blame for the maths crisis among high school students --- Copy and Pasted because others don't have afr subs --- Universities have been blamed for the maths crisis in high schools after they cut the maths prerequisite for many...
  16. b0b101


    What is the actual site?
  17. b0b101

    SMH article: offers below cutoff

    Deregulation is a 'right wing' policy because people who see it on the 'left side' of politics believe that it introduces barriers to people of a lower socioeconomic status in the form of uni fees thus reducing class mobility. Personally, I think that thanks to the low interest loan that is...
  18. b0b101

    SMH article: offers below cutoff

    Agreed, I have not covered that at all which makes a huge difference however, people and the heads of the G08 want and advertise Australian unis to be 'World class' yet with the current funding model how will they be able to do that.
  19. b0b101

    SMH article: offers below cutoff

    While the article is not really grounded in reason, it brings up the issue of rising attendance at universities, the actual value of a degree and the cost of funding universities. Today about 1 in 2 students go to university which compared with the baby boomers (1/10), gen x (1/4) and gen y...
  20. b0b101

    USYD Comp Science or UTS IT

    Usyd, Comp sci. =! I.T . Proper software design requires an actual understanding of computing theory not some dead in 5 years education in SAP and SAS. At the end of the day people do I.T because they like computers but don't want to do the proper math required in CS. Sent from my Nexus 7...