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  1. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Yeah. Sega should make another console. Nintendos consoles aren't as good as they used to be. Sonic generations does look good. I like the sonic side scrollers. Sonic the 1st one is one of my favourite games
  2. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    I know. I recently bought from a second hand store all these old Nintendo magazines from around 1999 and there is a review for it. I think it got a 9.5
  3. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Sega ;) Have to say I am more of a Nintendo fan but I love Sega. I still wish Sega made consols. I have a whole box full of Megadrive and Master System games. Trying to get a console to play them on though.
  4. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Damn, Dont have extreme G.
  5. bullwinkle96

    Why would I need a girlfriend if I have a Nintendo 64?

    Yeah! CPU's aren't much of a challenge ;)
  6. bullwinkle96

    Why would I need a girlfriend if I have a Nintendo 64?

    None taken... ...haven't... Not Yet anyway ;)
  7. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    It has been tempting me for the last few months
  8. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Own that as well. One of the 3 games I got on that Christmas morning back 10 years ago. That, Banjo Kazooie and Mario Kart :)
  9. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Yeah! I have heard that but if I open Blast Corps then it wont be as valuable. I bought it at a garage sale for $5 earlyer this year still in its box. I also bought Diddy Kong Racing Unopened. I bought bloody every single N64 accessory they had! Bloody brilliant consol. I have 2. It will be 10...
  10. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    Have all these as well :)
  11. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    I have all these games except Gex. Blast Cops I have never played because it has never been opened and still in its box.
  12. bullwinkle96

    The Nintendo 64

    How good is the Nintendo 64. I think it is great!
  13. bullwinkle96

    best iPod touch apps/games?

    COD Zombies if you know someone you can connect with. Scribblenauts is great because you can type anything and it comes up, Plants vs Zombies is great and Cut the Rope
  14. bullwinkle96

    Best Music in A Videogame

    Banjo Kazooie for the N64
  15. bullwinkle96

    Should I buy a PS3 or an Xbox?

    A Nintendo 64 ;)
  16. bullwinkle96

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Re: Really awful movies to watch My Avatar pic/ Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus is a horrible movie. Bahahahaha! I was dared to put it as my Avatar :)
  17. bullwinkle96

    Why would I need a girlfriend if I have a Nintendo 64?

    I am 16 and I have a Nintendo 64! Why would I need a girlfriend? :love:+N64
  18. bullwinkle96

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    Really awful movies to watch I am having a movie marathon with the worlds worst movies in it, but I don't know that many. Can you all please suggest some movies that are just awful that you don't think I will live through? Thanks:D