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  1. M

    So how do you a mail a letter?

    this may sound stupid but i wanna mail a letter n i havnt done this since primary skool so i kinda forgot. can any1 tell me how? where do i get letters and stamps from? and what do i write on the outside?
  2. M

    standards of the hsc

    so just what does the bos mean when they say that the hsc is a standard based test. i dont really get that.
  3. M

    im shit at balancinf equations can any1 do this for me/

    1) Octane burns in air to form carboon dioxide and h2o. 2) zinc oxide reacts with excess carbon 3) sodium hydroxide and magnesium
  4. M

    5 polynomial pains

    could any1 tell me how to answer these?
  5. M

    rate ur schools science teachers

    i give my school's teachers a 5 or 6 out of 10. theyre shit
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    how is aligning fair/

    at most 4/5 marks! wtf? havent u seen the estimated raw band cut offs: at most its 20 marks. im not talking about scaling, im talking about aligning. the lower the mark is the...
  7. M

    how is aligning fair/

    so how is aligning fair if all that it does is increase somebdoy's mark by a large amount. thats like giving marks to somebody who doesnt deserve them. how does it allow the board to fairly compare years/ its just a way of giving somebody marks that they dont deserve.
  8. M

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! the department of education is always looking for ways to make australia look smarter than it really is. they use that aligning bullshit to boost everyones mark and now thye're doing this.
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    Vectors in complex numbers

    given p=3+4i find the complex number q so that triangle OPQ is an isosceles right angled triangle. you can crate your own diagram using the above information.
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    i don't really get what radians are and how to calculate them. i know that the basic pi=180 radians but that's about it. I'm mucking up at becuase i need to know this radian shit for trig/inverse functions. could any of you guyts give me any decent explanations?:mad1:
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    the preliminary 'I didn't go well in my half yearlies' thread

    inspired by the by all those whinging 09rs. if any of you bombed up in your half yearlies then you can cry about it here. ill start with my shit results: maths: 96% MX1: 98% bio: 91% adv eng: 81% legal: 75% chem: 69% phyz: 63% oh im sooooo sad! how am i going to achieve my 99.95+...
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    the Graph of scaling

    what do you mean by that?
  13. M

    the Graph of scaling

    the graph of aligning is a straight line. the graph of moderating is a parabola. do you guys think that the graphs they use for raw---->scale is a cubic?
  14. M

    grasping the basics of integration

    i really dont get the basics of indefinite integration. Can someone do this question and explain each step. I get all of diffrientiation. ~ 3x/(4x+5)dx