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  1. Juraga

    The TV show/movie What If Game

    Picture your favourite piece of crystal finery. Perfect. Beautiful. Irreplacable. Now smash it with a large sledgehammer and have a small remote control car robot hump the remains and dirty talk to them with a brooklyn accent. NEW QUESTION! What would happen if the Dragonball movie was...
  2. Juraga

    Can a male ever be friends with a hot female and not masturbate over her?

    Probably not. It's male nature to fap when the hotness is provided. Those of us with overactive imaginations (ADHD, Aspergers, etc.) are masters of it.
  3. Juraga

    HSC performance pieces

    I'm a tenor vocalist and a guitarist, but I'm straying away from my guitaring for the HSC. My pieces are: The Exodus Song - Pat Boon (Bloody excellent piece, I've arranged a pianist) Feelin' Good - Michael Buble cover (Possibly with a backing track, possibly with the afore-mentioned...
  4. Juraga

    Mabo and Wik

    This is useful stuff. To be honest, I've managed to guess my way through the last bunch of Aboriginal Spirituality questions... I've never put any real study into it.