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  1. MiuMiu

    finding ur PIN

    Yeah I couldn't it find it for ages, I was standing there bagging out UAC coz of it and then my dad found it!!
  2. MiuMiu

    elizabeth I

    yeah Im doing Elizabeth, its boring, but Im sorta prewriting my answer so it don't really matter
  3. MiuMiu

    Need to contact board of studies.....text book is wrong?

    why do we see nuggety little weightlifters then?
  4. MiuMiu

    Legal essay content

    nope that sounds about right.......the question will definately be something along those lines (unless your teacher has decided to stray away from the norm in HSC questions)
  5. MiuMiu

    PIN number

    Hehe I had trouble finding too! I was like, 'why would they send me a pin notification without a damn pin' and I showed it to my dad and he said the same thing and then oh wait.........its down the bottom!!
  6. MiuMiu

    the simple stuff

    no probs anytime
  7. MiuMiu

    Human rights...

    yep talk bout the types of rights (collective, individual etc etc), five examples, an include the UN conventions and domestic legilsation in which they are enforced
  8. MiuMiu

    Legal essay content

    I would concentrate on they key questions at the end of each syllabus topic (i.e. legal issues & remedies, morality,ethics and commitment to the law, effectiveness of the law) cos the question is likely to be based around one of these
  9. MiuMiu

    Longest Assignment Ever!!

    I find this very hard to believe
  10. MiuMiu

    All Nighters?

    Ive done 2 allnighters in two weeks. Last week I lost all of my assignment which was due the next day and had to stay up all night and do it. Absolutely useless the next day.
  11. MiuMiu

    Tech Questions about Project

    Yeah I spoke to her she said she didn't mind. Its handed in anyway so its too late.
  12. MiuMiu

    Trials...has ne1 done it yet?

    let us know how you go and what it was like k?
  13. MiuMiu

    Poll: How difficult do you find legal studies?

    whilst quality is important, markers are inevitable impressed by 8+ pages on a topic, so I guess you've gotta find a happy medium. And I think most people here will be 80+ no worries.
  14. MiuMiu

    2002 UAI's

    Yeah but I suddenly got scared and thought 'what if I see a 7 as the first number on that day, I will kill myself!!!' I want in the 90's but I will be happy with high 80s but this is scaring me!!!!!!!!
  15. MiuMiu

    Rpeating Or Tafe?

    Yeah thats true, its definately not too late to improve your marks, remember you only do assessments for rank, your marks don't matter TOO much, but having said that, if you really want to do it over, I would definately suggest TAFE, school a second time around will just screw with ya, with TAFE...
  16. MiuMiu

    Anyone wanna swap notes on Speer?

    come on guys!!!
  17. MiuMiu

    the simple stuff

    reliability is how much you can trust the content--like how true are the 'facts' it presents usefulness is how much use it can be in your historical investigation--i.e. how much is the content (regardless of whether it is reliable or not) acutally going to help you? For example, the song...
  18. MiuMiu

    Too late to totally change idea?

    yep I ended up totally and completely changing and Im soooooo happy for it. Ive done a lot of it, still a fair bit to do after this weekend (when I finish my last ever assignment!!) but I find it really enjoyable and Im varying styles throughout so its not going to take that long. Id like to...
  19. MiuMiu

    Need Uai 98+

    it depends.........Im shit scared of doing relatively well in my subjects but still getting a crap UAI.........its a fear I have