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    Whos go a high 90+ UAI with bad scaling subjects and bad 200 ~ ranked school?

    Whos go a high 90+ UAI with low scaling subjects and bad 200 ~ ranked school? I am doing 3u maths - maybe 2 u ssoon =( economic physics geography business studies english adv are these ok scaling?
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    hey, what uai did you get? what uni do you go to?
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    Did any one get high UAI 90 + will low scaling subjects?

    i am in yr 11 and im doing 3u maths maybe 2 units later on =( adv english physics business studies geography economics are these bad scaling subjects?
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    Is there a big difference between 2 unit maths and MX1 in the HSC?

    Would it be much better if you do the best in 2unit then average in 3 unit? :jaw:
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    Is there a big difference between 2 unit maths and MX1 in the HSC?

    Would it be much better if you do the best in 2unit then average in 3 unit?
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    How to do distance education ?

    must your school not have that subject to be able to do distance?
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    How to do distance education ?

    IS it for free and how do you apply for it and how do you do it?
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    Anyone else change subjects??

    I dropped Engineer studies for business studies because ES was too hard
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    Is 2 Unit same as 3 Unit Maths?

    Hi everyone! I just want to know if 2 unit is pretty much the same as extension 1 maths in the hsc? Because in my school they are really trying to kick out alot of people from 3 unit year 11. They done 2 grading exams already and are issueing out alot of hwk in hope people will drop out real...
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    How to sleep earli

    i sleep at 1am and i have to wake up at 6 for early periods. But on most days we can go at 1pm so yeah. 6hours~ sleep
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    Where can i find past maths tests on BOS? Surds and basic Algebra?

    i doubt it will be as "hard" as the stuff in cambridge"
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    Where can i find past maths tests on BOS? Surds and basic Algebra?

    i got a mx1 test tmrw on surds and basic algrebra and i need to practise because i havnt done them in ages, thanks for ur help
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    Are these subjects high scaling?

    I am doing Extension 1 Maths Advance English Geography Economics Business Studies Physics thanks in advance btw i go to a ranked ~170 -200 School :rudolf:
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    Noisy Class!!!! What to do?!?

    Some of my classes (eco and geo) is always noisy and disruptive, how do you cope with it and not be disturbed from learning? Its also embarassing because those retarts are like 2 year olds:spzz:
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    Are these subjects good scaling?

    I am doing Extension 1 Maths Advance English Geography Economics Business Studies Physics thanks in advance btw i go to a ranked ~170 scjool :rudolf:
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    Changing subject at the start of Year 11?

    Hi everyone im new here, I just want to know urgently, if you can change your hsc subject selections at the beginning of this school year, I am year 10 turning year 11 this year and we made our choices before but now i changed my mind and want to change one subject.. hopefully from engineers to...
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    Year 11 Subject Selections!!!~

    I chose: - Maths extension1 -Physics -Geography -Economics -Engineer studies -English are these appropriate considering i want to do environment science, aviation or civil enginnering in uni? I chose them completley out of intrest and because i do good at them
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    Anyone chosing Aviation?

    Im planning to do aviation next year too but with it i got 15 units??! does this course require exams and alot of assesments? because if it does i might not be able to cope with other subjects
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    Environmental Science!!!!?!

    thankss :)
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    aviation (pilot)

    err is it true you can do this if u wear glasses or not pefect eyesight?!