Search results

  1. superbird

    2 jobs?

    i do 2 jobs. not that bad. i dont think u get taxed 50% on the second job tho as it didn't show up when i did my tax return this year.
  2. superbird

    Windows N00bie question: updating win95 to win98

    does windows95 even hav internet?
  3. superbird

    Tight People

    serious? lol. i didnt know they sold 10 cent shoes tho :/
  4. superbird

    Principals as referees?

    you should have gotten a written reference from your school tho
  5. superbird

    HECS and Working

    I haven't got a clue as to how HECS works exactly but this is how I think it goes. The government takes money out of the tax you already pay to cover your HECS debt. Is this true? If so how much money do they take?
  6. superbird

    digital cameras

    i think you mean that the 2 types of zoom are Digital and Optical zoom. Digital zoom is using the cameras inbuilt software to zoom up when taking pictures (similar to when you zoom up on an image on a computer). Resolution however isn't all that good. Optical zoom (what you really should be...
  7. superbird

    Tight People

    LOL same here where i work! hav u noticed that nearly everybody has a concession card these days heh
  8. superbird

    Tight People

    people who sneak into cinemas with the excuses: "oh im looking for a friend" "i threw away my ticket"
  9. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    somebodys smart :rolleyes:
  10. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    hmmm i often ask myself the same question
  11. superbird

    Australian Idol 2004

    /me wishes he was at the opera house right now :(
  12. superbird

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    i think its more ur attitude (re other posts) as to why u cant get a gf :/
  13. superbird

    Ireland is named 'best country'

    yep least we're in the top 10. we ain't doing too bad :P as for ireland, must be because of guinness
  14. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    as part of evolution women may develop a penis :O
  15. superbird

    First job

    belive it or not...Maccas. If you have Maccas on ur resume it'll get you a job anywhere you want
  16. superbird

    iPrimus rolls out 2Mbit+ ADSL

    i think i am "just" out of the exchange area for parramatta. i wonder if i am still able to get it though
  17. superbird

    iPrimus rolls out 2Mbit+ ADSL
  18. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    clearly there is no right or wrong answer. all comes down to personal choice.
  19. superbird

    IS this forum Sponsored by SMH?

    it is a news forum after all :rolleyes:
  20. superbird

    Does God Exist?

    a little off-track here but it still relates to evolution but is it true that eventually women will turn out to be the superior gender with males eventually becoming extinct?